New Zealand Shipping On - Line Comments 2000
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Welcome: Because of the amount of comments,
support and input from members of the public
having the total archive of comments on one page is now
impractical. We have now separated the comments
by year.
If this is your first visit to the site I
strongly recommend that you start from the beginning as there are some great stories and links.
Comments for the year
Email / Date
I sailed with NZSC from 1962 to 1968 on various ships
(Otaio, Suffolk, Nottingham, Westmorland, Tongariro, etc.). I would like to know whether
there are any member associations active in Australia, specifically Sydney.
Alex. Chisholm.
My Brother Robert Keenan was a Galley Boy from 1962-63 with the New
Zealand Shipping Company and would be interested to find out any information on the MV
Turakina on which he served. In particular the where abouts of the ship now if still in
service Thanks for any Help on this matter
I am interested in contacting anyone who was on the ss
Tongariro during 1948-49. Who would have known of Brian Holland (galley boy).
Just a complete fleet list as of 1959 for the NZS and Federal fleets.
It was surprise to come across the NZS page and I am encouraged that so many have
responded. I sailed with NZS for three years -- first as an engineer cadet on MV Rakaia,
SS Papanui, MV Hinakura and MV Hurunui and then as an engineer on the companies brand new
tanker SS Kent. They were happy times -- mostly --. As a matter of interest, I enclose the
Christmas Day 1958 menu for MV Rakaia when she was docked in the torrid heat of Port Alma.
-<>-Cream of Tomato Soup Consommé Celestine -<>--Grilled Dover Sole, Ravisote
-<>-- Roast Suffolk Turkey, Chippolata -<>--Baked New Zealand Ham, Saratoga
-<>--French Beans, Cauliflower and Parsley --<>-- Chateau, Duchess and
Persilles Potatoes
COLD BUFFET Roast Sirloin of Beef Melton Mowbray Pie--<>-- Green Salad
--<>--Christmas Pudding, Rum Sauce Peach Melba --<>--Nuts Dates Figs
Dessert--<>--Cheese Rolls--<>--Coffee Not bad for
working ship!
I wonder if you could let me know what happened to the following
merchant navy ships: MV Rangitane MV Hurunui MV Rangitata MV Rangitiki MV Rangitoto and
also the: Shaw Saville Athenic. I am trying to trace what has happened to them. Jane
My Wife's Grandfather
James Brownlie Dick of Carluke, Scotland served
the company for many years as Chief Engineer on the vessels Rangitiki, Rangitane (?),
Rangitana ? and the Northumberland up to and during WW2. Where can I research his service
/ voyages ? Please contact George Russell, Carluke, Scotland
I expect other readers have commented that Ailsa Corlett's table of NZS
Company ships is woefully incomplete. The book mentioned, which lists all the Company ships,
with A.5 size black and white photos of each one, is entitled "New Zealand and
Federal Lines" in the Ships in Focus series, by John Clarkson and Roy Fenton, 1995,
priced at £11.50. ISBN 0 9521179 5 9 (soft back). Another very similar book came out at
the same time produced, I believe, by the World Ship Society, but this was more expensive.
For those researching the history of various ships check out: In wake
of endeavour The history of the New Zealand Shipping Company and Federal Steam
Navigation. Author: Gordon Holma Pub: Charles Knight 1973 London ISBN 085314 1819 Out of
print. I obtained my copy through Amazon out of print service which took about six months
to conclude but worth Images of Waikato photo 1888, Wanganui 1888 painting, Rimutaka 1899
painting, Paparoa 1926 painting, Remuera photo 1944 Rangitiki photo, Huntingdon photo,
Rangitoto photo, Tekoa photo, Manapouri photo Also complete list of ships.
Book written to commemorate nearly 100 years of trading - subsumed into Pand O
General Cargo Division. Happy to check book for particular mentions of ships and feedback.
Best wishes Bob
B:-) Engineering Cadet Voyage 24 Otaio
I sailed on the Sussex in 1953. I remember we were in
Lyttelton harbour when the Queen was crowned and
all the hooters went at three in the morning. The next trip I was on the Hartford. The
best time of my life was spent on those ships. So proud to sail on them. Spotless they
were, and kept that way. We earned good money on the wharf in New Zealand unloading on the
night shift too. Didn't have to sub any money all the time I was there. Stan Pierce.
Dear Mr. Shaw,
If you go into print or put anything on a website, you must be prepared to face criticism
and comments. My remark that Ailsa's table on NZS ships was 'woefully incomplete' can be
justified for the following reasons:-
If the list is of the 'old' NZS Company, which presumably means prior to amalgamation with
Federal Steam in 1912, then only ships belonging to that company at the time should appear
on the list - so why does the "Piako" built in 1962 appear? If the list
was made out in 1994 why are there so many blanks in the 'Years of Service' column? This
might imply that all these vessels were sailing the seas in 1994, which we know is not the
case. Returning to the "Piako", she became the "Reefer Queen" under
Greek ownership in 1979 and was broken up on 1984. So in the 'Years of Service' column
should appear the dates "1962-1979" if it is meant years with NZS, or
"1962-1979" if it is means the total life of the ship. If you served many years
with NZSCo., as I did, you would know that NZS and Federal were one and the same company -
one was as likely to be assigned to a ship with a county name as a Maori town name.
I sailed on the "Wharanui", "Lincoln" and "Piako" among
others, for example. So why aren't the "Cambridge", "Northumberland",
"Lincoln" etc included
in the list? Even if you say that these county ships are Federal and therefore not
strictly NZS, there is no mention of the "Hauraki", my old ship the
"Wharanui" and her sister ship the "Whangaroa".
I accept the fact that some ships had Maori names, but were owned by Federal. Some were
transferred between the two companies for admin. purposes. Later, some were bought by
PandO. and B.I., the whole business is complicated and may have confused your compiler
in her study. But I would suggest that she obtains a copy of the book I mentioned to
update her table.
Incidentally, the other book that I mentioned in my last e-mail is entitled "Crossed
Flags", by Perry and Laxon, 1998.
It is obtainable through the World Ship Society at £28 (cost of postage to Australia
unknown). It follows a similar A.4 format to the Clarkson/Fenton book, with A.5 size black
and white photos, two to a page, but with more extensive notes on each ship. John Russell
Editors Note: Dear John
I note your point however be that as it may I do reward loyalty: It
was Ailsa who approached me some time ago ( I think it was about 10 years ago for memory )
at that time I simply didn't have the time and suggested she speak to a contact of mine at
Auckland Maritime Museum in Hobson Bay and to get in touch with the Alexander Turnbull
library in Wellington.
Anyway that was the last of it or so I thought..?
The world's full of would have been's, could have been's.
Well she went out there and did something, it was about 4 or 5 years ago she informed me
what she had done. So I set up this little segment for New Zealand Shipping on our web site, so what started out as a good idea at the time has grown
and allowed people like yourself to share the fruits of Alisa labour.
The beauty of it all, is we now have a facility which has brought us all together to add
more knowledge to this period of history that we were all so intrinsically linked.
We have all grown older and definitely a lot more wiser, I think for those of us who are
turning the corner and ready to depart this world, it would be better to leave with fond
and positive memories and know that you have helped to share that time of your life with
others, now you can use this facility to reinforce that love for life.
Should anyone see a name they know appearing with contact details, they can always get
together for a cup of tea or a shot of rum or whisky or gin and tonic and tell a few porkies and enjoy the day.
At the end of the day I thinks that's what it's all about, don't you. Please keep in
touch; Jeffrey Shaw
Enquiry from Jane Mayhew, either the Rangitata or the Rangitiki (I
cannot remember which! ) was broken up in Valencia Spain during 1960/61. At that time I
worked with McAndrews and sailed into Valencia each month. I spotted the old "Rangi
boat" in the harbour on one trip and then watched it slowly disappear on each
succeeding trip. A sad end but more dignified than finishing
up on a beach in Pakistan which is where I suspect many of the NZSC vessels you mention
finished up. I believe many of those vessels were sold by P and O to Far Eastern shipping
interests. Len Chapman
John: Thank you for providing the details of the Perry and Laxton book.
Very helpful. I did a trip on the Piako myself as a cadet in 1970 (?) and remember well the
'evaporator' for making drinking water. Chateau De Piako I recall it was referred to. A
somewhat acidic brew with an evil yellow tinge but I survived to tell the tale. Thank you
for filling-in what happened to her. The ships
I sailed on were: Otaio, Piako, Somerset, Taupo, Hurunui and SS Patonga (a BI ship which
became part of P and O General Cargo Division) Can anyone fill-in what
happened to them? Regards Bob B:
Further to Len Chapman's e-mail it was the
"Rangitiki" he saw being broken up in Valencia. Regards, John Russell
I served on the Rangitiki and
Rangitoto in the 1960`s my name is Reg Curtis if any one remembers I
would love to hear from
Otaio was broken up in 1988, I think - a look in Lloyd's lists will
confirm. I sailed on her in 1975 - a memorable year! Any further info
/ photos etc would be
appreciated. After thought - Otaio was sold to the Pakistan ? government and used as a
cadetship, renamed 'Eastern Academy'. I wished I'd swiped the bell when I had the chance!
Sir I served as a lift boy and a steward on the Rangitoto early 1950 I
have often wondered what happened to her. Has anybody the history or a photo of her. With
many thanks Derek Jones
I was on RAKAIA in 1960 for 3 years and would be
very pleased to hear from any of my old shipmates. I have a few
photos including one of the ship's company which will be on in the near future. Regards to all. Bruce Pollard
Editor: Its now 14th April 2001 and there is NO web
site or site with photos, shame really would have been worth a look
To the Editor was up and running - for a time. You had to scroll down to
the bottom of the page and click
a tiny logo which brought up Bruce Pollard's
private photo album with a shot of the Rakaia cadets circa 1960 as
prime - and only - picture. Site has since been re-designed and I
assume Bruce has been told to take his picture elsewhere!!!
03 / 05 / 01
When we were on RAKAIA we had a cadets log book
which included much interesting information. I would very much like
to borrow the log, read it and even scan it on to the net so
everyone who sailed on this fine ship could also
enjoy it. Does anyone know what happened to it? Bruce
A shot in the dark, can
anyone add to my knowledge of Harry? In particular we are
researching his medal and his WWII service, but the family here in
UK would love to know a little more about his activities in New
Zealand (on ship and off) HARRY BECKMAN was my
wife's uncle. I have to hand an obituary published in a New Zealand
newspaper. It says: "BECKMAN, HENRY
GEORGE, On December 25 1991 at North Shore Hospital (late of
Glenfield); aged 78 years. The complete service will be held at the
Takapuna Chapel of H Morris Ltd etc, etc.
BECKMAN, HARRY. On December 25 1991 (Ex MN, Survivor Auckland Star,
cited for bravery SS Fort Lac La Ronge, second world war) A true
gentleman and a great ship mate. Sincere thanks to the staff of Ward
3 North Shore Hospital for their wonderful nursing care. Will be
remembered always. Jimmy Browne, Barney
Childs, Peter Currie and Norm Cotton cheers
Adrian Stockton
My father served on the Kaipara
sometime I would guess between 1947 and 1955. He is now in his
seventies and does not have a photograph of the ship. I told him
that I would try and find one. Is there anyone who can help ? Paul
20 / 11 / 00
My Father Arthur Valentine Cross sailed on the NZ
Shipping Co ship MV HAURAKI as A.B. between Auckland and Wellington
From Jan 1939 to 18.3.40 - Star Ribbon Issued. (info taken from
certificates of discharge) The Capt. was D MacDonald.
Regards, Zelda.
23 /11 / 00
I worked on a number of ships in the mid 60's as a Steward and I
would like to know if there any of my shipmates around Hororata
coastal round England. Huntingdon to New Zealand and back
Northumberland with a long stop after eng. went on way to New
Zealand. I also spent a very go Xmas in the last place in the world
Bluff with a Blue Star and City Ship I am not to sure about this but
was told a good mate of mind was found dead on the Hororata in NZ
but I do not know. His name was Martin. Hope some
may remember me: Derek Thomas
28 / 11 / 00
I served just 1 trip on an ex NZS ship, the Tekoa
in 1977. I'm very keen to find a photo of her in the colours of the
day. I'd also like to catch up with 'Boyo', 4EO at
the time, an ex pat taffy like myself. Melvyn
melvyn_fox(at) or mel(at)
9 / 12 / 00
My great grandparents came to New Zealand on the
Otarama on New Years Eve, 1923. I am trying to locate any
information regarding the Otarama including a passenger list
for this particular voyage. Any help would be greatly
12 / 12 / 00
I am hoping to trace a photograph
of the SS Tongariro passing under the Sydney Harbour Bridge in
approximately 1947-49. Many thanks for your help. Brian
Holland UK
27 / 12 /00
I have be given your email address
and I am wondering if you could help me at all. My father David
Smith was in the English Merchant Navy in 1959 (aged 17/18) and was
serving on the M.V. Wharanui. Around late 1959 and up to November
1960, my Father and some of the crew of the Wharanui were involved
in a ship sinking. Some of his mates and my Father went on a trip in
a fishing trawler off the coast of Invercargill going towards Stuart
Island when the boat started to sink. The captain, my Father and my
father's mates were rescued and brought ashore to Stuart Island and
were returned to the Mainland the following day. This was published
in the local press at the time with pictures of my father on the
front page. My father recalls the newspaper headline was
"Looking back with some amusement" members of the crew of
M.V. Wharanui having being rescued at sea on fishing launch (name
unknown) etc.
My father can't remember the actual date or month only the headline
in the newspaper.
I know this will be a long shot but would it be at all possible for
me to obtain a copy of this press release so I can show my children,
my fathers grandchildren. If you could give me an email address of
the Local paper/s where you think I would be able to obtain this I
would be most grateful.
I have emailed the National Archives in New Zealand already and am
awaiting a reply.
My Father has mentioned this story to my sister and brother and my
nephews and this would be very nice to pass on to them, as they are
very excited that their Granddad was involved in something exciting
as a shipwreck!
Thank you for your help. Mrs Lorraine Leach, England
Editors Note: I suggest you get
in touch with South Island newspapers such as Southland Times and
Christchurch Press. They do have web site addresses
29 / 12 /00
My great uncle, Captain George Thomas Deith was
commander of the Westmoreland when it was torpedoed in the First
World War. By some means the ship was beached and the crew saved. My
great uncle received a Lloyds medal for this.
Any further information on this event eludes me. I would love to
know date, location and any other information. Val in Vancouver,
01 / 01 / 01
In December 1950 I was deck-boy on
the Hororata homeward bound to Liverpool. while in the vicinity of
the Azores the ship was badly damaged by heavy seas necessitating in
repairs being made while hove to. The ship was under the command of
Capt E.H.Hopkins. The boatswain was Mr. Frank Newell. I would like
to know if an inquiry was made into this event and what was the
outcome of it. Also the name of the deck officers. Coincidently this
accident occurred close to the eighth anniversary of the Hororata's
near loss by torpedoing in the same area on her second voyage. I
would appreciate any information. Trevor Castleton
16 / 01 / 01
Dear Sir, I was proud to serve the New Zealand Shipping company
from 1958 to 1963 my name is Mr Roy Sutcliffe and I was a crew
member on the vessels, The Haparangi, The Pipiriki & for the
Federal Steam Navigation Co, The Huntingdon & Cambridge. I was
aboard The Huntingdon in the Seaforth dock Liverpool U.K prior to
her last voyage to N.Z and then to Taiwan where she was scrapped.
Whilst aboard I was intrigued to find The Haparangi's bell on the
Can you please tell me as to why she had the Haparangi's
Thank you for your valuable time. Mr R. Sutcliffe. Liverpool
26 / 01 / 01
I was interested in the info about the NZSCo on your site (I was a
cadet 1964 - 69) Peter Herring
27 / 01 / 01
It was quite a surprise to find this
site, and I'm now corresponding with Alex Chisholm who was Cadet
Captain on the "Otaio" when I joined in '64! Perhaps you
could paste the following : Anyone around who remembers the NZSCo
Engineer Cadets from Course Seven ?
1964 - 69. Many of us are still in contact - Ken Ross, Harry Hogg,
Jim West, Roger Cooper, Pete Harris, Flop Dunham, Oggie Andrews,
Phil Gray, Tony Trigwell - but we'd love to hear from anyone of that
Thanks Peter Herring
05 / 02 / 01
I have located the following
websites that may be of interest to contributors to your NZSCo
history site.
Click here for New Zealand Shipping Photos of the NZSCo fleet and a number of links to related
sites this site has web pages devoted to the history of British shipping lines (NZSCo
is missing) and is asking for information so the history can be
There is a comprehensive section on NZSCo and includes a large
reference list.
I hope this information will prove useful to those seeking
more information on NZSCO Regards Len Chapman
15 / 02 / 01
I was a navigation cadet on the MV Otaio in 1970
and 71. Anyone around from those days? Richard
18 / 02 / 01
I received an E Mail from an ex
NZSCo and he tells me that the NZSCo Board meeting minutes for the
fifties and sixties are now available for public inspection at the
National Maritime Museum in London. I will be in London in
August/September and will try to get to see them. They should make
interesting reading ! Len Chapman
19 / 02 / 01
NEW ZEALAND Shipping Company (A716)
NRAM Reference A716
Name NEW ZEALAND Shipping Company
Type of record Records
Dates covered 1900-1971
Quantity 35cm
Level of description Collection
Location Auckland War Memorial Museum Library Te Papa Whakahiku MS
The New Zealand Shipping Company was formed in Christchurch in 1873
with the object of "providing increased facilities for the New
Zealand trade", and in addition to building its own vessels,
chartered others to cope with, particularly, the 1870s boom in cargo
and immigrant traffic.
The eight volumes of this collection comprise a register of shipping
movements through the Port of Auckland, 1900-1971; also for Mount
Maunganui, Opua, Whangarei and Marsden Point for part of the period
Access conditions Not restricted
NOTE: The Auckland War Memorial
Museum Library will be closed to the public from 1st April 2000 and
will re-open in February 2001.
Business and industry
Transport and communications
Auckland Central
Bay of Plenty
Last Update February 1981
© Auckland War Memorial Museum Library Te Papa Whakahiku
Regards Len Chapman
19 / 02 / 01
If you have knowledge about the Old New Zealand Shipping Company and would like to share, Please proceed to Our On-Line History Submission Form.
This is located on the NZ History Edition of
The blue hyperlink will take you to the page, simply scroll down to end of page, fill in and submit.
Jeffrey Shaw, Managing Director, New Zealand Shipping.
Please feel free to contact us at New Zealand Shipping.
Coffs Harbour:
Gold Coast:
Hervey Bay:
+64 9 972 2800
+61 8 8463 1700
+61 7 3808 1200
+61 3 6441 0292
+61 7 4222 1088
+61 2 6223 2799
+61 2 6699 3288
+61 8 7979 0088
+61 7 4962 0488
+61 7 5667 7088
+61 7 4183 1788
Port Kembla:
Sunshine Coast:
+64 3 928 2900
+61 2 6619 1699
+61 7 4914 2388
+61 3 8685 8885
+61 2 4016 4388
+61 8 6461 6588
+61 2 4231 4799
+61 7 5370 5688
+61 2 8197 1515
+61 7 4642 1500
+61 7 4795 1288
Click Here to contact our webmaster
I wish a safe and prosperous journey for you and your loved ones.
Welcome: Because of the amount of comments, support and input from members of the public having the total archive of comments on one page is now impractical. We have now separated the comments by year.
If this is your first visit to the site I strongly recommend that you start from the beginning as there are some great stories and links.
Comments for the year 2000 |
Email / Date |
I sailed with NZSC from 1962 to 1968 on various ships (Otaio, Suffolk, Nottingham, Westmorland, Tongariro, etc.). I would like to know whether there are any member associations active in Australia, specifically Sydney. Alex. Chisholm. |
alex.chisholm(at) |
My Brother Robert Keenan was a Galley Boy from 1962-63 with the New Zealand Shipping Company and would be interested to find out any information on the MV Turakina on which he served. In particular the where abouts of the ship now if still in service Thanks for any Help on this matter |
design(at) |
I am interested in contacting anyone who was on the ss Tongariro during 1948-49. Who would have known of Brian Holland (galley boy). |
brian(at) |
Just a complete fleet list as of 1959 for the NZS and Federal fleets.
It was surprise to come across the NZS page and I am encouraged that so many have
responded. I sailed with NZS for three years -- first as an engineer cadet on MV Rakaia,
SS Papanui, MV Hinakura and MV Hurunui and then as an engineer on the companies brand new
tanker SS Kent. They were happy times -- mostly --. As a matter of interest, I enclose the
Christmas Day 1958 menu for MV Rakaia when she was docked in the torrid heat of Port Alma. |
john.osborne(at)farmersweekly.net23/02/00 |
I wonder if you could let me know what happened to the following merchant navy ships: MV Rangitane MV Hurunui MV Rangitata MV Rangitiki MV Rangitoto and also the: Shaw Saville Athenic. I am trying to trace what has happened to them. Jane Mayhew |
jam(at) |
My Wife's Grandfather James Brownlie Dick of Carluke, Scotland served the company for many years as Chief Engineer on the vessels Rangitiki, Rangitane (?), Rangitana ? and the Northumberland up to and during WW2. Where can I research his service / voyages ? Please contact George Russell, Carluke, Scotland on:- |
g_g_russell(at) |
I expect other readers have commented that Ailsa Corlett's table of NZS Company ships is woefully incomplete. The book mentioned, which lists all the Company ships, with A.5 size black and white photos of each one, is entitled "New Zealand and Federal Lines" in the Ships in Focus series, by John Clarkson and Roy Fenton, 1995, priced at £11.50. ISBN 0 9521179 5 9 (soft back). Another very similar book came out at the same time produced, I believe, by the World Ship Society, but this was more expensive. |
russell(at) |
For those researching the history of various ships check out: In wake of endeavour The history of the New Zealand Shipping Company and Federal Steam Navigation. Author: Gordon Holma Pub: Charles Knight 1973 London ISBN 085314 1819 Out of print. I obtained my copy through Amazon out of print service which took about six months to conclude but worth Images of Waikato photo 1888, Wanganui 1888 painting, Rimutaka 1899 painting, Paparoa 1926 painting, Remuera photo 1944 Rangitiki photo, Huntingdon photo, Rangitoto photo, Tekoa photo, Manapouri photo Also complete list of ships. Book written to commemorate nearly 100 years of trading - subsumed into Pand O General Cargo Division. Happy to check book for particular mentions of ships and feedback. Best wishes Bob B:-) Engineering Cadet Voyage 24 Otaio |
bob.bonnington(at) |
I sailed on the Sussex in 1953. I remember we were in Lyttelton harbour when the Queen was crowned and all the hooters went at three in the morning. The next trip I was on the Hartford. The best time of my life was spent on those ships. So proud to sail on them. Spotless they were, and kept that way. We earned good money on the wharf in New Zealand unloading on the night shift too. Didn't have to sub any money all the time I was there. Stan Pierce. Brisbane. |
sepierce(at) |
Dear Mr. Shaw, |
russell(at) |
Editors Note: Dear John |
Enquiry from Jane Mayhew, either the Rangitata or the Rangitiki (I cannot remember which! ) was broken up in Valencia Spain during 1960/61. At that time I worked with McAndrews and sailed into Valencia each month. I spotted the old "Rangi boat" in the harbour on one trip and then watched it slowly disappear on each succeeding trip. A sad end but more dignified than finishing up on a beach in Pakistan which is where I suspect many of the NZSC vessels you mention finished up. I believe many of those vessels were sold by P and O to Far Eastern shipping interests. Len Chapman |
mealone(at) |
John: Thank you for providing the details of the Perry and Laxton book. Very helpful. I did a trip on the Piako myself as a cadet in 1970 (?) and remember well the 'evaporator' for making drinking water. Chateau De Piako I recall it was referred to. A somewhat acidic brew with an evil yellow tinge but I survived to tell the tale. Thank you for filling-in what happened to her. The ships I sailed on were: Otaio, Piako, Somerset, Taupo, Hurunui and SS Patonga (a BI ship which became part of P and O General Cargo Division) Can anyone fill-in what happened to them? Regards Bob B: |
bob.bonnington(at) |
Further to Len Chapman's e-mail it was the "Rangitiki" he saw being broken up in Valencia. Regards, John Russell |
russell(at) |
I served on the Rangitiki and Rangitoto in the 1960`s my name is Reg Curtis if any one remembers I would love to hear from you |
bcurtis(at) |
Otaio was broken up in 1988, I think - a look in Lloyd's lists will confirm. I sailed on her in 1975 - a memorable year! Any further info / photos etc would be appreciated. After thought - Otaio was sold to the Pakistan ? government and used as a cadetship, renamed 'Eastern Academy'. I wished I'd swiped the bell when I had the chance! | |
Sir I served as a lift boy and a steward on the Rangitoto early 1950 I have often wondered what happened to her. Has anybody the history or a photo of her. With many thanks Derek Jones |
d.jonesavis(at) |
I was on RAKAIA in 1960 for 3 years and would be
very pleased to hear from any of my old shipmates. I have a few
photos including one of the ship's company which will be on in the near future. Regards to all. Bruce Pollard |
bruce(at) |
To the Editor |
john.osborne(at)farmersweekly.net03 / 05 / 01 |
When we were on RAKAIA we had a cadets log book which included much interesting information. I would very much like to borrow the log, read it and even scan it on to the net so everyone who sailed on this fine ship could also enjoy it. Does anyone know what happened to it? Bruce Pollard. |
bruce(at) |
A shot in the dark, can
anyone add to my knowledge of Harry? In particular we are
researching his medal and his WWII service, but the family here in
UK would love to know a little more about his activities in New
Zealand (on ship and off) HARRY BECKMAN was my
wife's uncle. I have to hand an obituary published in a New Zealand
newspaper. It says: "BECKMAN, HENRY
GEORGE, On December 25 1991 at North Shore Hospital (late of
Glenfield); aged 78 years. The complete service will be held at the
Takapuna Chapel of H Morris Ltd etc, etc. |
ap.stocktn(at)btinternet.com23/10/00 |
My father served on the Kaipara sometime I would guess between 1947 and 1955. He is now in his seventies and does not have a photograph of the ship. I told him that I would try and find one. Is there anyone who can help ? Paul Bradford |
paul_bradford(at) |
My Father Arthur Valentine Cross sailed on the NZ
Shipping Co ship MV HAURAKI as A.B. between Auckland and Wellington
From Jan 1939 to 18.3.40 - Star Ribbon Issued. (info taken from
certificates of discharge) The Capt. was D MacDonald. |
teiwaz(at) |
I worked on a number of ships in the mid 60's as a Steward and I would like to know if there any of my shipmates around Hororata coastal round England. Huntingdon to New Zealand and back Northumberland with a long stop after eng. went on way to New Zealand. I also spent a very go Xmas in the last place in the world Bluff with a Blue Star and City Ship I am not to sure about this but was told a good mate of mind was found dead on the Hororata in NZ but I do not know. His name was Martin. Hope some may remember me: Derek Thomas |
derekthomas391(at) / 11 / 00 |
I served just 1 trip on an ex NZS ship, the Tekoa in 1977. I'm very keen to find a photo of her in the colours of the day. I'd also like to catch up with 'Boyo', 4EO at the time, an ex pat taffy like myself. Melvyn Fox |
melvyn_fox(at) or mel(at) |
My great grandparents came to New Zealand on the Otarama on New Years Eve, 1923. I am trying to locate any information regarding the Otarama including a passenger list for this particular voyage. Any help would be greatly appreciated. |
juliette_eg(at) |
I am hoping to trace a photograph of the SS Tongariro passing under the Sydney Harbour Bridge in approximately 1947-49. Many thanks for your help. Brian Holland UK |
brian(at) |
I have be given your email address
and I am wondering if you could help me at all. My father David
Smith was in the English Merchant Navy in 1959 (aged 17/18) and was
serving on the M.V. Wharanui. Around late 1959 and up to November
1960, my Father and some of the crew of the Wharanui were involved
in a ship sinking. Some of his mates and my Father went on a trip in
a fishing trawler off the coast of Invercargill going towards Stuart
Island when the boat started to sink. The captain, my Father and my
father's mates were rescued and brought ashore to Stuart Island and
were returned to the Mainland the following day. This was published
in the local press at the time with pictures of my father on the
front page. My father recalls the newspaper headline was
"Looking back with some amusement" members of the crew of
M.V. Wharanui having being rescued at sea on fishing launch (name
unknown) etc. |
leachgd(at)supanet.com29 / 12 /00 |
My great uncle, Captain George Thomas Deith was commander of the Westmoreland when it was torpedoed in the First World War. By some means the ship was beached and the crew saved. My great uncle received a Lloyds medal for this. Any further information on this event eludes me. I would love to know date, location and any other information. Val in Vancouver, Canada. |
toris-nan(at)home.com01 / 01 / 01 |
In December 1950 I was deck-boy on the Hororata homeward bound to Liverpool. while in the vicinity of the Azores the ship was badly damaged by heavy seas necessitating in repairs being made while hove to. The ship was under the command of Capt E.H.Hopkins. The boatswain was Mr. Frank Newell. I would like to know if an inquiry was made into this event and what was the outcome of it. Also the name of the deck officers. Coincidently this accident occurred close to the eighth anniversary of the Hororata's near loss by torpedoing in the same area on her second voyage. I would appreciate any information. Trevor Castleton |
tcastleton(at) / 01 / 01 |
Dear Sir, I was proud to serve the New Zealand Shipping company
from 1958 to 1963 my name is Mr Roy Sutcliffe and I was a crew
member on the vessels, The Haparangi, The Pipiriki & for the
Federal Steam Navigation Co, The Huntingdon & Cambridge. I was
aboard The Huntingdon in the Seaforth dock Liverpool U.K prior to
her last voyage to N.Z and then to Taiwan where she was scrapped.
Whilst aboard I was intrigued to find The Haparangi's bell on the
focsal. |
Andy.Summerland(at)btinternet.com26 / 01 / 01 |
I was interested in the info about the NZSCo on your site (I was a cadet 1964 - 69) Peter Herring |
herring_peter(at) |
It was quite a surprise to find this
site, and I'm now corresponding with Alex Chisholm who was Cadet
Captain on the "Otaio" when I joined in '64! Perhaps you
could paste the following : Anyone around who remembers the NZSCo
Engineer Cadets from Course Seven ? |
herring_peter(at)hotmail.com05 / 02 / 01 |
I have located the following
websites that may be of interest to contributors to your NZSCo
history site. |
mealone(at) / 02 / 01 |
I was a navigation cadet on the MV Otaio in 1970 and 71. Anyone around from those days? Richard Allisette |
Richard.Allisette(at) |
I received an E Mail from an ex NZSCo and he tells me that the NZSCo Board meeting minutes for the fifties and sixties are now available for public inspection at the National Maritime Museum in London. I will be in London in August/September and will try to get to see them. They should make interesting reading ! Len Chapman |
mealone(at) |
mealone(at) / 02 / 01 |
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Jeffrey Shaw, Managing Director, New Zealand Shipping.
Please feel free to contact us at New Zealand Shipping. |
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