New Zealand Shipping On - Line Comments 2001
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Comments for the year
Email / Date
My great uncle, Captain George Thomas Deith was
commander of the Westmoreland when it was torpedoed in the First
World War. By some means the ship was beached and the crew saved. My
great uncle received a Lloyds medal for this.
Any further information on this event eludes me. I would love to
know date, location and any other information. Val in Vancouver,
01 / 01 / 01
In December 1950 I was deck-boy on
the Hororata homeward bound to Liverpool. while in the vicinity of
the Azores the ship was badly damaged by heavy seas necessitating in
repairs being made while hove to. The ship was under the command of
Capt E.H.Hopkins. The boatswain was Mr. Frank Newell. I would like
to know if an inquiry was made into this event and what was the
outcome of it. Also the name of the deck officers. Coincidently this
accident occurred close to the eighth anniversary of the Hororata's
near loss by torpedoing in the same area on her second voyage. I
would appreciate any information.
Trevor Castleton
16 / 01 / 01
Dear Sir, I was proud to serve the New Zealand Shipping company
from 1958 to 1963 my name is Mr Roy Sutcliffe and I was a crew
member on the vessels, The Haparangi, The Pipiriki & for the
Federal Steam Navigation Co, The Huntingdon & Cambridge. I was
aboard The Huntingdon in the Seaforth dock Liverpool U.K prior to
her last voyage to N.Z and then to Taiwan where she was scrapped.
Whilst aboard I was intrigued to find The Haparangi's bell on the
Can you please tell me as to why she had the Haparangi's
Thank you for your valuable time. Mr R. Sutcliffe. Liverpool
26 / 01 / 01
I was interested in the info about the NZSCo on your site (I was a
cadet 1964 - 69) Peter Herring
27 / 01 / 01
It was quite a surprise to find this
site, and I'm now corresponding with Alex Chisholm who was Cadet
Captain on the "Otaio" when I joined in '64! Perhaps you
could paste the following : Anyone around who remembers the NZSCo
Engineer Cadets from Course Seven ?
1964 - 69. Many of us are still in contact - Ken Ross, Harry Hogg,
Jim West, Roger Cooper, Pete Harris, Flop Dunham, Oggie Andrews,
Phil Gray, Tony Trigwell - but we'd love to hear from anyone of that
Thanks Peter Herring
05 / 02 / 01
I was a navigation cadet on the MV Otaio in 1970
and 71. Anyone around from those days? Richard
18 / 02 / 01
I received an E Mail from an ex
NZSCo and he tells me that the NZSCo Board meeting minutes for the
fifties and sixties are now available for public inspection at the
National Maritime Museum in London. I will be in London in
August/September and will try to get to see them. They should make
interesting reading ! Len Chapman
19 / 02 / 01
NEW ZEALAND Shipping Company (A716)
NRAM Reference A716
Name NEW ZEALAND Shipping Company
Type of record Records
Dates covered 1900-1971
Quantity 35cm
Level of description Collection
Location Auckland War Memorial Museum Library Te Papa Whakahiku MS
The New Zealand Shipping Company was formed in Christchurch in 1873
with the object of "providing increased facilities for the New
Zealand trade", and in addition to building its own vessels,
chartered others to cope with, particularly, the 1870s boom in cargo
and immigrant traffic.
The eight volumes of this collection comprise a register of shipping
movements through the Port of Auckland, 1900-1971; also for Mount
Maunganui, Opua, Whangarei and Marsden Point for part of the period
Access conditions Not restricted
NOTE: The Auckland War Memorial
Museum Library will be closed to the public from 1st April 2000 and
will re-open in February 2001.
Business and industry
Transport and communications
Auckland Central
Bay of Plenty
Last Update February 1981
© Auckland War Memorial Museum Library Te Papa Whakahiku
Regards Len Chapman
19 / 02 / 01
Last year I came across an old NZSCo. Christmas
card I had sent from the Rakaia. It typically had a photograph of
the ship as they all had in every ship of the line (remember!). I decided
to scan this and resize it and from this I made a three foot
model of the ship. I sailed as Chief Electrician on the Rakaia from
1961 to 63 and during that time old Jock Cooper, a fellow Scott and
her Chief Engineer for many years also made a model of the Rakaia
which he presented to the ship. If I remember right she used to be
in the cadets dinning room. I wonder what happened to this model. I
am sure someone will have it in their possession. The Rakaia was a
very happy ship with a lot of camaraderie and the concert parties and
games on the netted in aft deck made life very eventful as did the
many soirees ashore. If anyone wants a jpg of the model give me an
e-mail and I will be happy to pass it on. I would also love to know
what happened to the previous model. Alex Henderson.
20 / 02 / 01
I wonder if you could help me. I Have been ask to see if I can find
any info on a boat called MV Armagh from a company called Avenue Steamship Co a subsidiary
of New Zealand Shipping Co.
many thanks for your help
Mate, you have been given a bum steer Avenue Shipping is not a
subsidiary of NZ Shipping, and we have not heard of said
Perhaps someone else may have heard.
23 / 02 / 01
My father Henry Carr served on several NZSC and Federal Line ships
from 1944 onwards:- Hororata 1944 to
45, Rangitata 1946, Ruahine 1946 to 47, Orari 1949, Dorset 1949 to
50. In between Ruahine and Orari in his Continuous Record of
Discharge" is a ship call Flammulina - official No 168529 (I
think). I cannot find what this ship was. Does anyone know if it was
a NZSC ship, I cannot see it on any list of the co ships. Any
information would be gratefully received. Please mail me if you can
25 / 02 / 01
Does the Chapman name in connection with the NZ Shipping Co. have
any connection with the Chapman family
of Whitby Yorkshire England?
Send him an email and ask, that's what History of NZ Shipping is all
about. Gives us an opportunity to keep in touch. Len won't bite.
6 / 03 / 01
For those who sailed NZS Federal ships during the gory days (not
glory!) of the PandO GCD changeover 1971/1972, but were ex BI (and
vice-versa), As for
myself, as a BI cadet during that time, I remember The (Men of)
Sussex and the Tongariro (the Tongaplonk) with great
Manora (BI) 1972 - cadet Sussex 1973 - Cadet Tongariro 1973/4 -
Cadet Baharistan (Stricks) 1974 - Cadet Morvada (BI) 1975 – 3/O
(BI) 1976 – 3/O
These all had some silly PandO GCD names but no-one I
recall used them except on official business Rob Pilgrim
BI Ships = British India Steam Navigation now owned by PandO
28 / 03 / 01
Birt, Potter and Hughes with NZSCo formed new concern Avenue
Shipping Co in 1954 to which ships from both co.s were to be managed
by Trinder, Andersen and Co. This echoed a similar venture in the
20s. The Armagh (ex Kaituna) with 4 other Kai-class NZCo ships plus
BPHs Enton named Limerick. These were non-refrig
vessels. In my days as ship's printer, RMS Rangitiki I recall
seeing a few in both Wellington and Auckland, etc in the 50s with
their Federal red and black funnels but with white Avenue flag with
blue cross and blue A on white diamond. The Kaituna was built in
1938 at Gothenburg for Swedish co. and sold on stocks to NZSCo.
Survived some war service in the Med. despite being mined. Hughes of
the BPH founded the original Federal line back in 1895. All rather
This is a grand idea of yours Jeffery.
Dave Webber
I trust your information has been able to assist that other poor
30 / 03 / 01
I have tried sending email to Len Chapman who has been a great
contributor to stories relating to our past however the email
addresses he has given comes up as an error:
This would mean a) he has changed his server or b) he's left this
2 / 04 / 01
To the Editor
Len Chapman is still part of this world although my computer has not
been !
still works but if you have a problem then try Regards Len
3 / 04 / 01
I have 4 letters, written by my
great-grandfather to my grandfather while he, great-grand dad, was
serving on steamships belonging to The New Zealand Shipping Company
Ltd. (Incorporated in New Zealand).
Sent back to England while in New Zealand ports or at sea, dated
from 1902 until 1912. Steam ships named are; S.S. Rakaia (1902),
S.S. Ruapehu (1904), S.S Waimate (1906 and 1908) and the S.S.
Hurunui (1912) while docked at Glasgow.
Also a photocopy of names and addresses of crew for the S.S. Hurunui
voy 3 (1900). Would check this list for names if requested.
Would like to obtain photographs and or any information re these
Steam ships and the company.
Thrilled as to find this site, just went looking on the off chance!
Mary Rooney
5 / 04 / 01
I went to New Zealand on the
R.M.S RANGITOTO. We sailed from the Royal Albert Dock on the 10th
February 1961. I was wondering were I could get a copy of the
passenger lists ? How many people on that
voyage still live in N.Z or went back home I wonder ? If you
were on that ship please get in touch with me I would love to hear
from you. It was a beautiful Ship What has happened to it
? Regard's Beryl ( TOMPSETT ) Murrell
12 / 04 / 01
I am trying to find information about
the barque "Fontenaye" which had three trips to New
Zealand, being chartered by the NZ/Auckland Freight Company, a
forerunner to the NZ Shipping Company The date I am interested in is
to Port Chalmers in June 1882. The captain was a Captain McKechnie
who may be my grandfather. Any information greatly received. Thanks
for a great site. Christine Couchman
14 / 04 / 01
Dear Sir, I would like to know if
anyone as information on a ship attached to R.N. The ships name was
the m.v. Aorangi. I have a photo taken 1945 in Hong Kong harbour
with H.M.S.Triumph alongside. She was a troop carrier during the war
and before that a passenger ship. My father Ernest Uphill was a crew
member Regard's Peter Uphill
16 / 04 / 01
Back in the late sixties I wrote to a
crew member on the M.T. Arthur P, His name is Cedric Tash, do you
know of this ship, my letters went to New York c/o esso
International. Thank you for any help Veronica
The email given is rejected by our ISP servers as incorrect,
perhaps Veronica in reading may wish to send us another email with correct address.
19 / 04/ 01
My name is Veronica
and I left you the wrong email. I am looking for Cedric Tash who
sailed on the MT Arthur P, this ship was the X-Hoegh Foam and the Ex
Pontus. The year was 1969. Thank you
12 / 07 / 01
My friend and I are embarking on
a search for his father. We have one clue:
a photo
showing the said father in
the uniform of a purser (?) on the deck of a ship. In the background
is a float with "MV Rangitiki" written on it. The ship has
air scoops the same as the MV Rangitiki. Where would one find a
ships manifest listing the crew, or possibly something listing those
on the ships payroll circa 1956-62? Any pointers gratefully received
23 / 04 /01
Re: My earlier request regarding
my friends search for his Dad, I neglected to mention his name:
Peter Allen, his best mate on board ship was called
24 / 04 /01
I have recently 'Gone on Line' and
decided to try 'The New Zealand Shipping Company' expecting to find
little or nothing. How wrong I was! History, photos and, most
amazingly, this 'New Zealand Shipping on Line' site.
My name is Bill Goyne and I sailed as an electrician between 1953
and 1960, serving on the 'Dorset', 'Norfolk', 'Rangitiki',
'Cambridge' and 'Hinakura'. If there is anyone out there who
remembers me, I am living in Lutterworth, Leics. and I would be delighted to hear from you. Among
others I recall, Bob Aitken, Engineer from Sydney, Mike Firman,
Chief Steward from London, Tony (Tweedy) Harris, Radio Operator, and
Bob Everest, Engineer from Hamilton.
On a more general note, I feel that the following could be of
interest to both subscribers to this site and the Editor.
On one of my trips to New Zealand, we brought home a fellow from the
London office, named Eric Porter (a very nice chap). On arrival
home, he obtained for me a wonderful book entitled 'Ordeal by Sea
1939-45' by Sydney D Waters. This is a history of the NZ and Federal
Lines during the war, full of interesting stories, well indexed and
with an appendix listing all vessels and personnel lost, war medals,
etc. It is a fund of information and I am at your disposal. Regards
to you all ex NZSCs out there. Bill Goyne
30 / 04 / 01
Sailed with NZSCo originally as
Engineer Cadet 1958-59 on MV Rakaia,SS Papanui 1959,then as engineer
on MV Hurunui 1959, MV Hinakura 1959-60, MV
Whakatane 1961-63, MV Durham 1963, MV Hauraki 1963, MV
Ruahine 1963-64 and MV Gloucester 1964. Very
few of these vessels seem to be listed. The H class motorships
listed were my favourite with good teams and lots of good times. Anyone
from those days interested in
making contact please do so. Terry Wilson
You raised a good point Terry about lack of ships listed, in fact
John Russell pointed it out sometime ago.
Perhaps there is someone out their who is prepared to put together a
comprehensive guide of New Zealand Shipping and Federal Steam Navigation
vessels. There is enough clues based on emails sent by John Russell,
Bob Bonnington, Len Chapman and Bill Goyne to enable us to
re-engineer the History of NZ Shipping to encompass this veritable
of who's who in shipping vessels.
I would suggest we only need the name of vessel, year built, ship
yard where built, gross weight, cargo capacity, whether cargo or
passenger ( if passenger I would be interested to know the passenger
and crew compliment), year decommissioned ( I must say everybody
likes to ask what ever happened to such a such vessel... so we may
have to state it went to breakers in India or Pakistan or lost at
war.. etc )
If anybody else has something to offer please go ahead and send
03 / 05 / 01
To Paul Bradford asking for a photo of
the Kaipara on email date 20 / 11 / 00 Are you the same Paul
Bradford from Renata Crescent, Te Atatu who went to Matipo Primary,
Te Atatu Intermediate, perhaps to Rutherford High and played rugby
league for Te Atatu. If you are your email
address doesn't work. Send email
03 / 05 / 01
My name is Gary Jones
and I was a Navigating Officer Cadet on the MV Otaio, joining May
9th 1969. Others in my intake were Phil Jarman; Bruce Hardy; Carl ('Roly')
Rolaston; Lawrence ('Mo') Mowatt; Martin ('Mac') McCartan; and,
Roger ('The Vicar') Jones. I am still in contact with all but Phil
(now somewhere in Canada I believe), Roly and Bruce. Anyone know
their whereabouts?
Finally, for those who remember him, I recently had lunch with
Charles ('Charlie') Turner who was Chief Officer on the MV Otaio for
many years and who has just retired from the Marine Society. Let me
know if you'd like more details about how to contact him.** Gary
04 / 05 / 01
What is clear is that there is no definitive info on NZSCo but there
are a lot of people out there who regard their time with NZSCo and
FSCo as a significant part of their lives. Your idea of compiling a
ship record through the input of all these people is excellent and I
hope I can make a contribution. Regards Len Chapman
04 / 05 / 01
What a fantastic web-site and
priceless resource, a joy to find.
Here's wondering if anyone has any bright ideas: I am researching a voyage made in 1892 aboard the 'Kaikoura'
from England to Wellington. As I am based over
in London I was wondering what would be the best way of finding out
further information on the passengers, particularly Jack Seely, Tom
Conolly and Lord Burford.
At what time of year would the Kaikoura have sailed (and steamed)
and when arrived.
Also does anyone know of what became of the 'Kaikoura' and are there
any similar vessels around today as I would be fascinated to
appreciate the scale of the ship. Thank
you, Charlie Scott
23 / 05 / 01
Rangitata I was a steward on this ship
Editor: Some poor sod just sent this email on wed 23rd May at
5.42 + 1000 GMT so if you reading this can you revert with your name
and email
23 / 05 / 01
My great Grandfather, Thomas
Gale, worked for the New Zealand shipping company
as a baker. He came from London. I'm not sure when he served, but I
do know his ship was torpedoed during the war (1st or 2nd). Does
anyone know which ship(s) this could be?
27 / 05 / 01
A very interesting page.
My one and only ship in FSNC was the Nottingham. Had several months
"standing-by" whilst she was being built in early 1950 in
John Browns yard at Clydebank. Subsequently sailed as
and 2nd Engineer at from June 1950 until April 1952. A happy ship
but the "Polar Generators" sure caused a heap of work. I wonder
if there are many of us
still around from these days? Love to hear from you. I
can remember quite a number of names. mostly younger than myself. Alex Eddie
27 / 05 / 01
Vessels of New Zealand
Have complete history of New Zealand and Federal ships.
Published 1995 here in UK. Will check if it is still available, if
not could probably fill in some of your lists ,in
small doses !! Ken Hedges. Ex
QM, MV Rangitiki.
(and many more)
7 / 06 / 01
If anybody has any information about
the passengers on the Rangitata that arrived
in Auckland, New Zealand in
1947.This information would be greatly appreciated. I am researching
the immigration of my grandmother Amelia Piazessi as a war bride
from Italy. The ship departed from London. Thank you.
13 / 06 / 01
I have found some old family
photo's from early 1918 taken on board S.S Hororata (at different
times and
doing different jobs, they
are quite interesting unfortunately they are beginning to fade) and
was trying to find a crew list to see what job the relative held. I
know this was taken early 1918 as the man in question died Nov 1918.
Could you help me in any way. yours sincerely
Editor it would be nice to have a name
14 / 06 / 01
I have a friend in Birmingham England
called Joe Whitehouse. He reckons he 'jumped ship' from The
Wellington Star in NZ in the mid 50s. He thinks it was a NZ Shipping
Company vessel but that it might have been owned by Shaw Savill and
Albion. Can anybody help? I've not been able
to match the name with either company. Joe is getting on
rather (late 60s) and it would please him no
end to see a photo or two of his old ship. Thanks in advance,
18 / 06 / 01
My father served on
the 'Hertford' and was shipwrecked twice in WW2. The
first time she hit a mine
off Australia, but she didn't sink so they all re-boarded. The
second time she was torpedoed off Canada and sank with some loss of
life and many injuries, mainly due to being in the lifeboats for up
to five days. I am certain, however, that 'Hertford' was by then
with the NZSC, not Federal Lines. Some years ago, while on a visit
to NZ, I found a book about the NZSC in WW2 in Auckland main
library, but can't recall the title. It went into detail on all ship
losses with names of those killed and injured, although the
information wasn't entirely accurate about 'Hertford'. I have the
Captain's report on the sinking and the Admiralty reports on both
incidents from the Public Record Office, in Kew, UK. I'd be very
interested in any further information.
Peter Cox
20 / 06 / 01
Further to my earlier email
about 'Hertford' I've just found out that
the Book
about NZSC in WW2 was almost certainly 'Ordeal
By Sea' by S Waters. There seem to be copies available on
20 / 06 / 01
I am looking for a photo of the
ship "Athenic" came to Auckland 12th June 1917
can anybody help thanks William
22 / 06 / 01
My Father, George Spicer, served
on the MV Rangitata, I am not sure of the exact dates but I am
guessing it would be during the 50s - early 60s
He worked in the engine room as an Engineering
officer. I believe he was a 4th Officer.
I was curious if anyone here served with him and more importantly if
anyone could advise me where I might obtain some Memorabilia of the
Rangitata , pictures, souvenirs, mementos etc. I
would also be interested if anyone can shed some light on the fate
of the Rangitata. Thanks Richard Spicer
22 / 06 / 01
Please - any photos or info on
Otaio? 75 was my time, but would be interested
in any other.
Editor: It
would be nice to have your name so that people can respond to you
9 / 07 / 01
Hi All, I am a New Zealander currently
residing in the UK. Trying to find the vessel which took my great
grandfather and his family to New Zealand is proving to be quite
difficult. I have no idea of which, where nor when. But I do know
they immigrated to New Zealand sometime after my grandfather was born
in 1912. Ha Ha - yep - a bit vague huh! I have records that
the family were from Rochdale (Manchester).
Has anyone got any ideas to where I start. Everywhere i look, the
vessels have manifests but predominately 1800's none around
1912 onwards. Can anyone help me. The family I am looking for is
Ashworth. Kind Regards and Best Wishes Sandi Menderby
10 / 07 / 01
Please - any photos or info on Otaio?
75 was my time, but would be interested in any other.
Editor: It would be nice if you supplied name with your email
makes it personal for everyone, particular if someone has
information or photo to give you.
14 / 07 / 01
Looking for information about
journey and crew of the SS Rahine which caught fire off the coast of
West Africa between Tenerife and the Cape of Good Hope in 1893. The
ship obviously survived as the passengers presented a printed
certificate to members of the crew in appreciation. The certificate
lists the passengers. Jenny Hawkins
16 / 07 / 01
FAO. Alex Henderson Chief
Lecky. Your Terrible Twin tried to contact you at but it was rejected. Try E-mailing me would
be great to contact you again after all these years. Mark
18 / 07 / 01
Editor: I get over 1500 emails a day, I do try to respond to
everyone who comes to this section personally however it would be
nice if A) I had a name B) that you type in lower case ( its a lot
easier to read plus one gets the impression one is yelling at you
when you type in UPPER case)
17 / 07 / 01
My Grandfather was
first officer on the Rimutaka(3) before he came ashore in 1951.
Trying to find as much as possible about the vessel, voyages etc.
Also I have a Shore Leave Pass issued by the Alexandria City (Port)
Police for Apr 2 1944 for my grandfather, the ship named on the pass
is S. S. Sames (X). Can anyone help with the identity of this ship.
The company listed is the NZ S Co. James Glubb
20 / 07 / 01
Having left the
Vindicatrix 1962, I joined m.v. Norfolk, Liverpool 19th
1962....later onto the m.v. Otaio. on this ship we visited the
unusual place called Pitcairn Island. later joined s.s.Derby. then
onto the California Star. I have some photo's of these vessels, I'll
dig them out of my past and send them to who ever wants them. These
were very special days in our young lives, many good times to
recall, never lost without a good old sea story to amuse land
20 / 07 / 01
Could anybody please tell me what
happened to Rms Rangitoto I joined her as a steward boy in November
1951 She was a lovely ship Happy Days Davy Jones
21 / 07 / 01
My father, Victor Brooks, was on
the Orari in June 1942, Malta Convoy "Operation Harpoon".
I have been trying to find a photo of the ship on the web for him
and wondered if someone
could point me in the right
direction. Regards
Shirley Farmer
22 / 07 / 01 has photographs of some NZSCo ships and a page
devoted to NZSCo Len
03 / 08 / 01
Re E Mail from Tried sending information to this address but mail is
returned as undeliverable. Is mail address correct? Photo
of mv Orari exists on the archives section of State of Victoria
site. Len Chapman
05 / 08 / 01
I am looking for information on
the "Pipiriki" launched 1944 believed to sailed up until
1971. My father sailed on her in her early 1950s as a cabin
boy "Gerald Charles Galer "he
will be 65 on Sept 3rd 2001, I am trying to put together a montage
of his life. he has fond memories of his days with the "
Pipiriki " I would love to know what became of her ? I would
like to know if there are any records / pictures in existence of the
crew that he sailed with, and if so, how to obtain some copies.
Thank you for your assistance B Galer (William)
09 / 08 / 01
The book that you refer too on the
main page, may be creator: Green, Allen c Green collection Shipping
photographs in picture collection Publisher: State library of
Victoria. William Galer
9 / 08 / 01
Len, thanks for replying. Stupid me
gave wrong ending to e-mail add. I would be grateful if you would
try my address again...What is State of
Victoria site? many thanks Shirley Farmer
9 / 08 / 01
Dear All, I would like to
hear any stories that anyone may have about Hugh Frederick Brown. He
served as a Chief Engineer with NZSCo between 1914-1950's. When he
retired, having never worked for another company, he was awarded an
OBE for service to the Shipping Company. I'm not sure which ships he
served on but I believe they included one or more of the Rangi's and
the Papanui. Hugh Brown's father also worked for the Shipping
Company as a Chief Engineer between the 1880's and the 1920's. In
later years both Hugh Brown's daughter and his son-in-law also
worked for the company, continuing with them after PandO took over.
All in all, the Brown family managed to clock up more than 100 years
service with NZSCo. Does anyone have any tales or photos? Many
Thanks, Caroline Douglas
13 / 08 / 01
I have a handwritten
programme for an entertainment given on board the S.S. Rimutaka (by
kind permission of the Captain F.A. Hemming) on the 6th of May 1915.
As the programme is written on a blank Programme of Entertainment of
the "Royal Alfred" Aged Merchant Seamen's Institution the
head office of which was in Fenchurch Street, London I assume that
the entertainment took place on a voyage from England to New Zealand
(or Australia). I would be grateful for any information about this
vessel. Philip Christian 10 Papa Panteli Michail Street 4566 Kalo
Chorio Limassol
14 / 08 / 01
I am looking for
information on the ship PAPANUI. Off. No. 144525, LONDON. Nett
Ton:5128. It sailed from Adelaide in March 1929 and arrived in
Birkenhead July 1929. I am looking for a crew list. In particular a
Thomas Scott. Thank you for your help. John Scott (Son)
22 / 08 / 01
Hi I was recently
down at National Archives in Wellington, going through their
shipping records. As i had the chance to do a trip with my seafaring
husband on The Shipping Corporation of NZ container ship NZ Pacific
in 1979/80, I thought I would like to look at the Ships articles and
log books for that time span, but alas the records are there for
about 1981/82 and onwards
till it changed hands, I was so disappointed
the ones I wanted weren't there. Would
any one know where I could find them. Catherine
23 / 08 / 01
Hello there, I don't
know if you are interested in what i'm going to write but here goes: I am an ex Vindi boy of April 1949
to July 49. Ships NZSCo. and FSNCo. First
S.S. Somerset No. 180927 London G.T.9942.99 000 R.T.5869 from July
49 - Dec 50.
M.V.Sussex No.183003 London G.T11272.40 N.T.6642.42 from Jan 51 to
June 52.
M.V.Haparangi No.181680 London N.R.T.6649.99 N.H.P.1460 from Aug 52
to March 53.
M.V. Orari No. 162906 Plymouth from May 53 - Nov 53.
S.S.Devon No.180799 London N.R.T. 5855.55 from Feb 54-Jan 55
S.S.Tekoa No.145994 Plymouth N.T.5436.75 G.T.8694.83 from April 55 -
Oct 55.
R.M.S.Ruahine No. 184417 London N.R.T.10.122 from Dec 55-April 56. M.V.Haparangi from May 56 - Oct
M.V.Surrey No. 181624 London from Jan 57 - June 57.
In between some of these dates
either home Trade or Working by, on the Rangitiki, Hinakura,
Somerset, Suffolk and the Northumberland. There, how about that! I
was sorry to have to leave, owing to a suspected illness, which kept
me going back and forth to London and Greenwhich Hospitals. I am
sending this via a friend, but if you want to contact me my E-Mail
is: (It is only an E-Mailing phone not a
computer). If you want to send a large message, please E-Mail: (family friend). Thank
you Alan Gee ex AB (C/O J
27 / 08 / 01
Was the empire hope
which was sunk in the Malta convoy of aug,42,part of the Shaw
Saville line ? Danny
30 / 08 / 01
Just a quick not to say that I currently have the following books
available if anyone would like me to look up anything.
The Sailing Ships of the NZSCo. 1873-1900 (Alan Bott)
Ordeal By Sea
(The company's history in the Second World War 1939-1945)
(Sydney D. Waters)
From Clipper Ship to Motor Liner
(The story of the NZSCo. 1873-1939) (Sydney D. Waters)
In the Wake of Endeavour
(The history of the NZSCo. and FSNCo.) (Gordon Holman)
A Short History of the NZSCo. 1873-1951 (C.B. Sharpe)
Westrays (A record of J.B. Westray and Co. Ltd.) (Alan Fagg)
Maori Club Magazines (Sept 1960, Sept 1961, Nov 1962 and Oct 1963)
Let me know if I can help! Caroline
03 / 09 / 01
Editor - what a great job you are doing. I came across this site
by chance while searching for information on the SS Ruahine. The
Museum of Wellington City and Sea shop sells copies of the book
"Ships of the NZ Shipping Company:" compiled by Gavin
McLean, which contains photographs and brief information about the
fleet. They also have a range of other maritime books. The Museum's
Research Service has an extensive library and can often provide
historical information. (I am a research volunteer at the museum)
Good luck, Amanda Morrison.
05 / 09 / 01
anyone help me to find the name of a ship which left Tilbury UK in
May 1947 for Sydney then on to NZ? It was from the Shaw and Saville
Line and docked in Sydney on 1st July 1947. I would appreciate any information on where to start
looking for this information. Thanking You Rowena
06 / 09 / 01
Rangitane was built
in 1949 by John Brown of Clydebank. The correct tonnage
was 21,867. Broken up at Kaohsiung, Taiwan in April 1976.
09 / 09 / 01
Terry, hope you can
help me i am trying to find a picture of the
mv Whakatane(2nd) which was my fathers first
ship as an engineer. he may be able to supply
information on nz shipping in due course. hope
you can help me to find a picture.......have been trying for
ages......without success......... would like
to take a copy and have it painted for him. regards Neil
p.s. his
name is Dugald Campbell....(dougie for short)
Editor: Have no idea who Terry
is, trust whoever he is, that he can help.
10 / 09 / 01
history of DURHAM for your archives. Keel
laid in 1928 at Workman Clarkes in Belfast. First voyage 1934 as
purpose built cadet ship. Returning from Malta Convoy in 1941,
struck mine off North African coast and was subsequently sunk by
Italian human torpedo's in Gibraltar Harbour. Towed back to Falmouth
after 9 months on the bottom. Ruturned
to service in 1943 and
survived fire in No 4 UTD on voyage to Australia. War damage
eventually caused major engine problems and in 1957/8 she underwent
total angine repairs from crankshafts up in Galveston Texas after
sailing on one engine from the Azores to Galveston. Continued in
service until 1965 wheh she was finally scrapped.
Mike Smith, Perth WA. I was Cadet Capt. on
voyage 46 in 1960 and was with her throughout the Galveston episode.
Joined April 1957 and left Aug 1960.
14 / 09 / 01
response for the plea for terry's assistance i have transmitted a picture of MV Whakatane to nmak. whilst
doing so also thought it a good idea to scan photo's of some of the
other ships i sailed on and put them on disc. if anyone is
interested ships are Papanui, Gloucester, Rakai, Ruahine, Hinakura,
Hurunui and Whakatane. If contacted i would be happy
to e -mail on. Terry
27 / 09 / 01
There My name is Bob
Malcolm, I was a Vindi Boy 1962/63 14 weeks owning to 2 weeks in the
sick bay. I joined
NZSC March 1963
M.V Gloucester 09/03/63 to 01/04/63 Deck Boy H.T
M.V Gloucester 06/04/63 to 27/04/64 Deck Boy Foreign
M/S Rangitane 04/08/64 to 24/11/64 J.O.S Foreign
M/S Rangitane 14/12/64 to 06/04/65 J.O.S Foreign
M/S Rangitane 26/04/65 to 06/08/65 E.D.H Foreign
M.V Sussex 04/11/66 to 23/11/66 E.D.H H.T
M.V Northumberland 14/12/66 to 24/11/67 E.D.H Foreign
M/S Rangitane 11/01/68 to 06/05/68 E.D.H Foreign
I remember getting telegrams from a Mr Moxley
at Royal Albert Dock. My
last trip was also Rangitane's last trip with NZSC and I have a
brass plate that says 'R.M.S RANGITANE ' A
I 'found' it on the port side of A Deck while on the
8 to 12 watch one evening homeward bound a week out of London.
The next morning the starboard sign had gone missing also the two on
B deck.
Bob Malcolm
29 / 09 / 01
Dear Mr
Shaw, I served on
the Orari from late 1945 until mid 1947 as junior engineer officer
and refrigeration officer. I am interested in
the history of the vessel and would like to know of it's involvements
during and after the war. Hoping you can be of some assistance Yours Ken Langham
29 / 09 /01
Joyce steward Haparangi 1950.s Capt.Thomas and Capt Chadwick in command very happy memories on the time
served on this
02 / 10 /01
My name
is Sheila Catherine McLean but my maiden name was McGregor. My
mother's name was Bessie McGregor and we travelled together, twice,
on the "Rangitata" from England to New Zealand. The first
time we arrived in Wellington in October 1946 and the second time in
either 1947 or 1948.
I want to locate the passenger lists for the "Rangitata"
from 1946 to 1949 inclusive.
My mail address is "Cottesbrook", Middlemarch, 3 R.D.
Otago, New Zealand. My 'phone number is +61 3 464.3282 and my fax
number is +61 3 464.3283.
8 / 10 / 01
I read with
interest the site ships list NZ Shipping CO and would like to add a
little bit of information regarding the following vessels.
1/ Turakina (third) 1923-1940 (sunk by German armed merchant cruiser
Orion off Wellington.)
2/ Rangitane 1929 (sunk by German armed merchant cruiser Orion in
Pacific with 16 lives lost.)
First I will explain where my information has come from.
I had a Great Aunt (miss Florence O Mundie )a British Red Cross
Nurse returning to the UK on board the Rangitane at the time of the
attack and subsequent sinking.
She wrote a manuscript of her experiences, which on her death in
Aberdeenshire, was presented to the NZ Naval Museum in Devonport
Auckland N.Z.
The Rangitane was attacked about 300 nautical miles off the East
Coast of N.Z.
At 4.30 am 27th November 1940. By the two German Raiders which at
that time were plying the Pacific. The Orion and the Komet , they
were vessels masquerading as Japanese cargo ships with some false
structures to disguise the guns etc which they carried. The Manyo
Maru ,the second was recognised and called by it's old name Narvik
an x Norwegian vessel, then there was a German Supply vessel called
the Tokio Maru .By the time the German raiders off loaded most of
their human prisoner cargo off on Emirau Island 4 weeks later they
numbered 500, civilian, ship crews air force trainees who had been
forced to sign docs to say they would not bear arms against the
Germans. Those that didn't sign were taken back to Germany and
incarcerated for the length of the 2nd World War possibly a further
70 souls.
The raiders had been very busy in the period of months in the
Pacific leading up to this time. They had attacked and sunk about 10
ships in different areas.
Notou (in August) Triona
Ringwood (in August) Vinni
Turakina (in August) Triasta
Holmwood (25th Nov)
Rangitane (27th Nov)
Triadic Komata (8th Dec) near Nauru Island
They were on Emirau Island for a week or so, then uplifted by the
Australian vessel Nellore Dec 27th 1940 they arrived at Townsville
Queensland January 2nd 1941.I
hope you can use this information in some way
I do have more bits on this but what I have
given you for the most part are the main bits. I do have a few names
of people that were involved recorded in paper cuttings. Best regards Diana Mexsom
9 / 10 / 01
Jeffrey , Just a
short note to let you know that...
1) I am still reading your pages , although I have not contributed
anything for a while
2) I am sending Ken Langham the "Orari" information he
requested. (See his item 29/9/01) Regards, Bill Goyne
Nice of you to drop a line, thank you for helping Ken and any
others from time to time Jeff
9 / 10 / 01
Kirk died in 1974 in office, (April/May) NZL (NEW ZEALAND LINE) a
completely NZ owned Company was formed and managed by SCNZ (The
Shipping Corporation of New Zealand Ltd.) agents Shaw Saville Line
originally Shaw Savill and Albion Co) here in NZ for the first year
of the existance of SCNZ.
On the 30 th November 1974, the Shaw Saville shore staff in NZ were
advised that when they arrived at work on the 1st December 1974 they
would be now working for the SCNZ as unfortunately after months of
rumours and speculation
Shaw Saville Line withdrew
their branches from NZ and appointed SCNZ as their agents who also
picked up the staff. Work carried on as usual , just a different
letterhead. The first General Manager was Charles Speight and Tom
Skinner was on the Board of Directors.
In the very early formative days there was a
lot of discussion about how the name should be the final decision
was to name the Company "The
Shipping Corporation of New Zealand Limited" so that there
would be no confusion with The New Zealand Shipping Co. which bears
no relation at all.
Best regards Diana Mexsom nee Milne (x shore
Met Norman Kirk when he
was PM (the member for Waimate, built his own house by making his
own bricks after work).
Very approachable type of person, in a country that was innocent,
loving and very caring. Received information
many years ago that suggested that he was assassinated
by the CIA. Jeff
10 / 10 / 01
Greetings, I this morning found this really interesting website. Having sailed with the NZSC in the early fifties I
can easily relate to all the comments. I
sailed on 'Rangitoto' and 'Rangitiki' and briefly coastal on one of
the Federal ships, who's name I can't recall at this writing.
Those were halcyon days, and we were on the coast for two months in
N.Z. Captain Pilcher was on the 'Rangitoto' Charlie Coles was purser. Anybody relate to those
times of long ago? Patrick
23 / 10 / 01
site-above all the stories--can anyone help with information re
passengers from UK to (Dunedin) possibly, in 1920, would it be
likely "he" (Herbert Arthur Gatward)
travelled on one of the
ships which carried passengers and where do I go to find the
passenger lists? best wishes to all contributors. Joan Cook
24 / 10 / 01
Jeffrey, Many
thanks for including me on the history of NZSCO. I've already been
in contact with a fellow crewmember in U.K. who sailed on 'Rangitoto'
at the same time I did. This is truly an incredible website and
greatly appreciated. Patrick.
25 / 10 / 01
I have
just stumbled onto your site as I was looking for information on RMS
Rangitoto, I sailed on her as a child migrant in 1950.
I have recently taken over the role of
Chairperson of the British Child Migrants Society (N.Z) Incorporated
and am always looking for new avenues for former child migrants and
their families to find out some of their past history. I have found
one or two interesting facts as a result of looking in this
site and am always interested to hear from anyone else who might
have connections with child
3 / 11 / 01
Hello, just
by chance found the site ,only done one trip on the "tane"
Aug 67 but somehow managed to acquire the pennant of said ship,
which i still have as a memory of such
a great time of my youth. anybody
who remembers that trip 29 aug 16 dec 67 would love to hear from.
4 / 11 / 01
I am hoping
that one of your readers might remember my grandfather Mark Foster.
i believe he worked for the New Zealand shipping company in the
forties, perhaps as a captain. i would love to find out more about
him or better if he is still with us meet him. please email me with
any information
6 / 11 / 01
Hi to anyone
that sailed to New Zealand on M.V. Rangitane from royal Albert dock
London on 8 November 1963 via Curracao Panama and Tahiti arriving
Auckland on 11 December 1963 trying to contact passengers and crew
we are still in contact with some of the passengers and crew Eric
Good to see
this history remembered. My father, Charles Reid, was an engineer on
the Rangitane when it was sunk in 1940. For those wanting more of
the tale than posted previously, it's recounted
in a 1952 book "Salute the Red Duster" by A.B Campbell in
a chapter titled "A Women's Story" as recounted to the BBC
by stewardess Jessie Balding. The book contains the names of several
of Capt. H. L. Upton's crew. The German side of the story is in the
"The Black Raider," by K. Weyber and H.J. Ehrlich in a
1955 translation. There was also a small pamphlet put out by the
NZSC shortly after the event. But none of them have a list of the
crew. Does a list exist in company files? Cheers. John
D. Reid
grandparents emigrated to NZ in 1925 aboard the Ionic. My aunt
travelled with them, she was 4 years old at the time. I am currently
writing a family history for our family reunion and would greatly
appreciate any information I can get about this ship, it's route,
the time it took to get to NZ and which
NZ ports it visited. My grandparents settled in Timaru. Are
passenger list available? How would people amuse themselves during
such a long journey. My aunt says my grandfather played cards the
whole way! and he wasn't playing solitaire :-) Any info would be a
treat thanks. Jo Cole
Hi: I am Tim
Thomson. I was with NZSCo from 1959 - 1964, sailing on Otaio,
Whangaroa, Turakina and Huntingdon before spending time ashore, then
with Hudson Steamship Co
and then with Westons until end of 1979.
I would be interested in hearing from anyone who remembers me. I am
now living in Cornwall.
2 / 12 / 01
relative of mine, Henry Grayson COOK b June 1894 returned after
service in the AIF on the HORORATA with a wife. Does anybody have
access to the passenger list of 1920? Details I have from his service record in the 3rd
Field Ambulance are as follows:- 27
July 1917 AWOL
11 March 1920 Returned, forfeit pay 1917 to 1920.
8 June 1920 Returned to Australia with WIFE on Hororata.
7 August 1920 Discharged from AIF at Adelaide. Lewis D McCann
2 / 12 / 01
Further to an
earlier posting, please note that my email address is now I also now
have more information about Captain George Thomas Deith. He was
captain at different times of the "Kent",
"Sussex", "Middlesex" and
"Westmoreland". I found a museum in Port Chalmers, NZ,
that had some of his medals and clippings about him. I would still
love more information, particularly for his nephew,
my uncle, who is still alive and hero worships 'Uncle
George'... and I don't blame him! Val Wright, Vancouver.
Val Wright" <
4 / 12 / 01
fascinating site ! My mother-in-law emigrated to Australia in 1926
and she tells a tale about a vessel sinking in the Bay of Biscay.
She thinks it was s.s. PAPAROA, and she
said it was carrying girders for
the Sydney Harbour Bridge, all of which (naturally) were lost. Does
anyone have any further info about this incident ? Anything would be
appreciated. Ray Power.
5 / 12 / 01
Can you give
me all knowledge of old New Zealand Shipping Company Vessel.
Readers I wouldn't bother with this request if the correspondent is
not prepared to supply full name why should you go to the trouble of
doing all the work for them. Supplying name gives the site a
personal touch that can link you with others of this era.
5 /12 /01
My late
brother, John Tuthill(1940-1999), started with the NZSCo as an
indentured engineer cadet in July 1959 and from his discharge book I
note that he served on the following ships: Middlesex 59-60; Derby
60-61;Hororata 62-63;Hauraki 63; Kent 63; Derby64-65;Otaki 66;Hauraki
66-67;Huruni 67; Nottingham 67-68. During that time he rose from 8th
Eng. Cadet to Chief Eng., with early periods at Neasden College and
in John Brown's yards. It was while in Glasgow that he met his
future wife. After the takeovers and management changes he was with
PandO / Ellermans, eventually working worldwide with Ham-Nash
He was always very enthusiastic about NZSCo
and I'd be pleased to hear from anyone who knew him from those
times. David Tuthill
Dear Editor: Re- John Tuthill: correction: I
should have written Willesden College and not Neasden. Apologies for
confusion, David Tuthill.
7 / 12 / 01
I was
interested to read David Tuthill's E mail and the mention of his
late brother being an Indentured Engineer Cadet. I did not know
David's brother but went through the same program.
Traditionally Marine Engineers had been
recruited from the ship building and repair industry but in the
early fifties there was an insufficient supply and the Shipping
Industry set up the Alternative Training Scheme for Marine Engineers
(Alternative meaning an alternative to the traditional recruitment).
The Scheme recruited school leavers
at 16-17 years of age and put them through a four and a half year's
of training. First two years were at College (Poplar Technical
College London in my case) studying fulltime for an Ordinary
National Certificate in Mechanical Engineering followed by one and a
half years at sea as a very lowly Engineering Cadet and finally a
year ashore working in a shipyard (Mount
Stuart Drydock in Newport Monmouthshire in my case).
The attraction was you were paid for being
trained (starting at £7 a month). After that it was back to sea as a
Junior Engineer. However one of the other benefits of the Scheme was
it shortened the qualifying sea time for Board of Trade Engineering
Certificates so many of the Cadets obtained Second Engineer and
Chief Engineer qualifications at an early age. I can recall being
Third Engineer (with a Second Engineer's Certificate) on the
Rangitiki at 23 years of age and being expected to take her around
the NZ Coast while the Kiwi Second Engineer went on leave, much to
the old Chief's concern.
Promotion became even more rapid when National
Service (conscription) was ended in UK in the late fifties. Merchant
Service was exempt National Service so attracted those who wanted to
avoid conscription. These (and others) immediately left the sea but
qualified Engineers were attracted to stay by higher salaries and
rapid promotion. The downside was that engine room crews shrunk so
the Chief Engineer had to become a working Chief and get his hands
dirty. It was not unusual to meet 28 year old Chief Engineers!
The training must have been good
because over the years I have met ex Engineer Cadets who have
achieved success in a variety of different fields.
Regards Len Chapman
8 / 12 / 01
name is Brian Atkins and I was a deck hand on the m.v.Suffolk 61/63
if anyone is interested about the time we were on fire Motuihe
Island or may have a picture of this great lady could they let me
9 / 12 / 01
Jeffrey Best wishes
for a sunny Christmas and a happy New Year. Kind
Regards Len Chapman
13 / 12 / 01
My name is
Ian Harris and I was an engineer Cadet on Otaio 1969 - 1970 and
after doing a trip on Taupo did the last few trips on the Don before
Her scrap run. Yesterday I bought a video from Snowbow Productions. The video is called "Cargo Liners of the World" and is
Episode 3 in their series. This video has to be a must for any ex
Otaio Cadet as there is a lot of footage of the Otaio, the Don
(Huntingdon) and the tanker Kent. As well
as glimpses of several of the other company ships. I
agree with Len Chapman that the training on Otaio was first rate.
Ian Harris
14 / 12 / 01
father came to New Zealand on the passenger ship Tainui in 1926 via
the panama canal and Pitcairn Island. I would appreciate obtaining a
photograph of this ship or any information
about her. Graeme Champion
18 / 12 / 01
Merry Christmas and a Happy year ahead, Don't look astern! May peace
and Gods Blessings be with us old 'uns and those still serving
John f. Hope
18 / 12 / 01
Jeffrey Shaw,
Re Leonard Seymour SHAW, born 23.10.1908
I have begun researching my late
father-in-law's grandfather's story of how he captained the first
refrigerated ship, The Dunedin, to sail from Wellington to London in
1882. To my amazement I noticed your name; is the combination of
Shaw, shipping and New Zealand just a coincidence?!
Unfortunately, I do not have the captain's
forenames. Any help you or your correspondents can provide would be
very much appreciated.
Leonard followed the family tradition and
during WW2 was commander of a minesweeper which was sunk in the Med
around 1942. Badly injured, he spent 6 hours in the water but was
eventually rescued and taken to a hospital on Corsica - where his
brother (also in the Navy but on another ship) was already
recovering! Brian
Editor: The email address given is rejected by ISP server as
an incomplete address
20 / 12 / 01
Christmas - I am hoping to find information about the ship 'Southern
Isles' owned by the soap people Lever Bros. My late father sailed to
the Ice Barrier (1932) on it and walked to Shackleton's Grave. No
special clothes
only dungarees. Thanks. G Bernhardt
23 / 12 / 01
I note
my email address has been rejected by ISP server as incomplete. The
address shown in the email/date column is indeed incorrect. It
should read Details of family stories can
become inaccurate with the re-telling. If Leonard's grandfather's
trip was from Australia and not from New Zealand, it seems it would
have been the Strathleven sailing from Sydney and not the Dunedin
sailing from Wellington. Can anyone track down SHAW from ships'
records? The history of
the development of refrigerated ships is a fascinating story of
technical and commercial
advance which must have increased exports
hugely. Seasonal greetings, Brian
24 / 12 / 01
I have
no detailed information other than an old photograph of my uncle,
STANLEY BLYTH, born 1913 Isle of Wight, England on board "RANGITATA"
with 2 older and 2 younger "boys". (The lifebouy they are
displaying shows the name "Rangitata - Plymouth). Uncle Stan
went to New Zealand some time after the death of his mother in 1927
and never returned. His
remaining sister is 93 years old and would love any information that
anyone has to offer.
Editor please supply name and
email otherwise its a waste of time anyone responding
24 / 12 / 01
I hope this
information may be of some use to you, I served on nzsco/fsnco from
63-67, reading your list of ships obviously some missing, hoping to
fill in some blanks. s.s Lincoln 12780 tons, m.v Cornwall 7582 tons,
m.v Surrey 8227 tons,
s.s Derby 31790 tons, m.v Middlesex 8283 tons. I have no info on
costruction dates, by the way I served on these ships from deck boy
to e.d.h. Regards Richard Brown.
26 / 12 / 01
What a
great site, i found it because i am looking for a good picture of
RMS Rangitoto, as i sailed from Tilbury docks London
on the 26/5/67 in cabin c96 on her arrived in Wellington late June
via Panama it was a great trip on a fab ship I
have a passenger list, if any one contacts me. Roger Seaton
27 / 12 / 01
query regarding the model of "Rakai" made by the chief
engineer jock cooper ( actual name John Cowper" was i believe
given to a school in Nelson. i tried replying to the
e-mail address given but
did not deliver. There was also a query regarding "Hurunui".
she left New Plymouth in Aug. 1973 and arrived at the breakers in
Pusan 8/9/73. The capt was b. Austin-Smith and the harbourmaster in
New Plym at the time was fletty from findochty (buckie). the bosun
was John Hay from Aith in Shetland. wonderful to have come accross
your site. The name i remember is Alex Chisholm from the Otaio 1962.
Davy Scott
28 / 12 / 01
Roger Seaton,
I tried sending you a message at but it came back to me undeliverable do you have another
email address?
What do you think may be wrong with the one you gave? see my message
of October 23rd let me know. Patrick Stiven
Editor I suggest you try its not double nn but nr
30 / 12 / 01
Jeffrey, Thanks
for the suggestion, good idea - now, why didn't I think of that!! By the way I saw great pictures of
Sydney New Year celebrations on the Tele! Patrick.
While browsing on the
net I stumbled on to your site. I was an electrician with nzsc and
did three voyages on the mv Hinakura 1962-1963 and one on mv Otaki
late 1963 I recall on the outward to nz the ship broke down every
day between London and Curacao a nightmare for the engineers. all
the engineers on this voyage were Jordies except myself and the
chief electrician who were Scots. The chief
electricians name was Lachie Henderson who was with nzsc and
pando for many years and probably was there until retirement age. I
must admit I enjoyed this part of my life and often wished I had
stayed a little bit longer. Norrie Cumming.
10 / 01 / 01
If you have knowledge about the Old New Zealand Shipping Company and would like to share, Please proceed to Our On-Line History Submission Form.
This is located on the NZ History Edition of
The blue hyperlink will take you to the page, simply scroll down to end of page, fill in and submit.
Jeffrey Shaw, Managing Director, New Zealand Shipping.
Please feel free to contact us at New Zealand Shipping.
Coffs Harbour:
Gold Coast:
Hervey Bay:
+64 9 972 2800
+61 8 8463 1700
+61 7 3808 1200
+61 3 6441 0292
+61 7 4222 1088
+61 2 6223 2799
+61 2 6699 3288
+61 8 7979 0088
+61 7 4962 0488
+61 7 5667 7088
+61 7 4183 1788
Port Kembla:
Sunshine Coast:
+64 3 928 2900
+61 2 6619 1699
+61 7 4914 2388
+61 3 8685 8885
+61 2 4016 4388
+61 8 6461 6588
+61 2 4231 4799
+61 7 5370 5688
+61 2 8197 1515
+61 7 4642 1500
+61 7 4795 1288
Click Here to contact our webmaster
I wish a safe and prosperous journey for you and your loved ones.
Welcome: Because of the amount of comments, support and input from members of the public having the total archive of comments on one page is now impractical. We have now separated the comments by year.
If this is your first visit to the site I strongly recommend that you start from the beginning as there are some great stories and links.
Comments for the year 2001 |
Email / Date |
My great uncle, Captain George Thomas Deith was commander of the Westmoreland when it was torpedoed in the First World War. By some means the ship was beached and the crew saved. My great uncle received a Lloyds medal for this. Any further information on this event eludes me. I would love to know date, location and any other information. Val in Vancouver, Canada. | |
In December 1950 I was deck-boy on
the Hororata homeward bound to Liverpool. while in the vicinity of
the Azores the ship was badly damaged by heavy seas necessitating in
repairs being made while hove to. The ship was under the command of
Capt E.H.Hopkins. The boatswain was Mr. Frank Newell. I would like
to know if an inquiry was made into this event and what was the
outcome of it. Also the name of the deck officers. Coincidently this
accident occurred close to the eighth anniversary of the Hororata's
near loss by torpedoing in the same area on her second voyage. I
would appreciate any information. | / 01 / 01 |
Dear Sir, I was proud to serve the New Zealand Shipping company
from 1958 to 1963 my name is Mr Roy Sutcliffe and I was a crew
member on the vessels, The Haparangi, The Pipiriki & for the
Federal Steam Navigation Co, The Huntingdon & Cambridge. I was
aboard The Huntingdon in the Seaforth dock Liverpool U.K prior to
her last voyage to N.Z and then to Taiwan where she was scrapped.
Whilst aboard I was intrigued to find The Haparangi's bell on the
focsal. |
Andy.Summerlandatbtinternet.com26 / 01 / 01 |
I was interested in the info about the NZSCo on your site (I was a cadet 1964 - 69) Peter Herring | |
It was quite a surprise to find this
site, and I'm now corresponding with Alex Chisholm who was Cadet
Captain on the "Otaio" when I joined in '64! Perhaps you
could paste the following : Anyone around who remembers the NZSCo
Engineer Cadets from Course Seven ? |
herring_peterathotmail.com05 / 02 / 01 |
I was a navigation cadet on the MV Otaio in 1970 and 71. Anyone around from those days? Richard Allisette | |
I received an E Mail from an ex NZSCo and he tells me that the NZSCo Board meeting minutes for the fifties and sixties are now available for public inspection at the National Maritime Museum in London. I will be in London in August/September and will try to get to see them. They should make interesting reading ! Len Chapman | |
| / 02 / 01 |
Last year I came across an old NZSCo. Christmas card I had sent from the Rakaia. It typically had a photograph of the ship as they all had in every ship of the line (remember!). I decided to scan this and resize it and from this I made a three foot model of the ship. I sailed as Chief Electrician on the Rakaia from 1961 to 63 and during that time old Jock Cooper, a fellow Scott and her Chief Engineer for many years also made a model of the Rakaia which he presented to the ship. If I remember right she used to be in the cadets dinning room. I wonder what happened to this model. I am sure someone will have it in their possession. The Rakaia was a very happy ship with a lot of camaraderie and the concert parties and games on the netted in aft deck made life very eventful as did the many soirees ashore. If anyone wants a jpg of the model give me an e-mail and I will be happy to pass it on. I would also love to know what happened to the previous model. Alex Henderson. | / 02 / 01 |
I wonder if you could help me. I Have been ask to see if I can find
any info on a boat called MV Armagh from a company called Avenue Steamship Co a subsidiary
of New Zealand Shipping Co. |
Oxygene2000ataol.com23 / 02 / 01 |
My father Henry Carr served on several NZSC and Federal Line ships from 1944 onwards:- Hororata 1944 to 45, Rangitata 1946, Ruahine 1946 to 47, Orari 1949, Dorset 1949 to 50. In between Ruahine and Orari in his Continuous Record of Discharge" is a ship call Flammulina - official No 168529 (I think). I cannot find what this ship was. Does anyone know if it was a NZSC ship, I cannot see it on any list of the co ships. Any information would be gratefully received. Please mail me if you can help | / 02 / 01 |
Does the Chapman name in connection with the NZ Shipping Co. have
any connection with the Chapman family
of Whitby Yorkshire England? | / 03 / 01 |
For those who sailed NZS Federal ships during the gory days (not
glory!) of the PandO GCD changeover 1971/1972, but were ex BI (and
vice-versa), As for
myself, as a BI cadet during that time, I remember The (Men of)
Sussex and the Tongariro (the Tongaplonk) with great
affection | / 03 / 01 |
| / 03 / 01 |
Editor: |
2 / 04 / 01 |
To the Editor |
3 / 04 / 01 |
I have 4 letters, written by my
great-grandfather to my grandfather while he, great-grand dad, was
serving on steamships belonging to The New Zealand Shipping Company
Ltd. (Incorporated in New Zealand). | |
I went to New Zealand on the R.M.S RANGITOTO. We sailed from the Royal Albert Dock on the 10th February 1961. I was wondering were I could get a copy of the passenger lists ? How many people on that voyage still live in N.Z or went back home I wonder ? If you were on that ship please get in touch with me I would love to hear from you. It was a beautiful Ship What has happened to it ? Regard's Beryl ( TOMPSETT ) Murrell | |
I am trying to find information about the barque "Fontenaye" which had three trips to New Zealand, being chartered by the NZ/Auckland Freight Company, a forerunner to the NZ Shipping Company The date I am interested in is to Port Chalmers in June 1882. The captain was a Captain McKechnie who may be my grandfather. Any information greatly received. Thanks for a great site. Christine Couchman | |
Dear Sir, I would like to know if anyone as information on a ship attached to R.N. The ships name was the m.v. Aorangi. I have a photo taken 1945 in Hong Kong harbour with H.M.S.Triumph alongside. She was a troop carrier during the war and before that a passenger ship. My father Ernest Uphill was a crew member Regard's Peter Uphill | |
Back in the late sixties I wrote to a
crew member on the M.T. Arthur P, His name is Cedric Tash, do you
know of this ship, my letters went to New York c/o esso
International. Thank you for any help Veronica |
19 / 04/ 01 |
My name is Veronica and I left you the wrong email. I am looking for Cedric Tash who sailed on the MT Arthur P, this ship was the X-Hoegh Foam and the Ex Pontus. The year was 1969. Thank you | |
My friend and I are embarking on a search for his father. We have one clue: a photo showing the said father in the uniform of a purser (?) on the deck of a ship. In the background is a float with "MV Rangitiki" written on it. The ship has air scoops the same as the MV Rangitiki. Where would one find a ships manifest listing the crew, or possibly something listing those on the ships payroll circa 1956-62? Any pointers gratefully received ! Tom SEMMENS | / 04 /01 |
Re: My earlier request regarding my friends search for his Dad, I neglected to mention his name: Peter Allen, his best mate on board ship was called "Willie" TOM SEMMENS | |
I have recently 'Gone on Line' and
decided to try 'The New Zealand Shipping Company' expecting to find
little or nothing. How wrong I was! History, photos and, most
amazingly, this 'New Zealand Shipping on Line' site. | / 04 / 01 |
Sailed with NZSCo originally as
Engineer Cadet 1958-59 on MV Rakaia,SS Papanui 1959,then as engineer
on MV Hurunui 1959, MV Hinakura 1959-60, MV
Whakatane 1961-63, MV Durham 1963, MV Hauraki 1963, MV
Ruahine 1963-64 and MV Gloucester 1964. Very
few of these vessels seem to be listed. The H class motorships
listed were my favourite with good teams and lots of good times. Anyone
from those days interested in
making contact please do so. Terry Wilson | / 05 / 01 |
To Paul Bradford asking for a photo of the Kaipara on email date 20 / 11 / 00 Are you the same Paul Bradford from Renata Crescent, Te Atatu who went to Matipo Primary, Te Atatu Intermediate, perhaps to Rutherford High and played rugby league for Te Atatu. If you are your email address doesn't work. Send email to |
03 / 05 / 01 |
My name is Gary Jones
and I was a Navigating Officer Cadet on the MV Otaio, joining May
9th 1969. Others in my intake were Phil Jarman; Bruce Hardy; Carl ('Roly')
Rolaston; Lawrence ('Mo') Mowatt; Martin ('Mac') McCartan; and,
Roger ('The Vicar') Jones. I am still in contact with all but Phil
(now somewhere in Canada I believe), Roly and Bruce. Anyone know
their whereabouts? | / 05 / 01 |
Jeffrey |
04 / 05 / 01 |
What a fantastic web-site and
priceless resource, a joy to find. |
coneyhurstathotmail.com23 / 05 / 01 |
Rangitata I was a steward on this ship |
23 / 05 / 01 |
My great Grandfather, Thomas Gale, worked for the New Zealand shipping company as a baker. He came from London. I'm not sure when he served, but I do know his ship was torpedoed during the war (1st or 2nd). Does anyone know which ship(s) this could be? | |
A very interesting page. |
alelizatloclnet.com27 / 05 / 01 |
Vessels of New Zealand
Shipping |
ken.hedgesatlineone.net7 / 06 / 01 |
If anybody has any information about the passengers on the Rangitata that arrived in Auckland, New Zealand in 1947.This information would be greatly appreciated. I am researching the immigration of my grandmother Amelia Piazessi as a war bride from Italy. The ship departed from London. Thank you. | |
I have found some old family
photo's from early 1918 taken on board S.S Hororata (at different
times and
doing different jobs, they
are quite interesting unfortunately they are beginning to fade) and
was trying to find a crew list to see what job the relative held. I
know this was taken early 1918 as the man in question died Nov 1918.
Could you help me in any way. yours sincerely |
simic.keatntlworld.com14 / 06 / 01 |
I have a friend in Birmingham England called Joe Whitehouse. He reckons he 'jumped ship' from The Wellington Star in NZ in the mid 50s. He thinks it was a NZ Shipping Company vessel but that it might have been owned by Shaw Savill and Albion. Can anybody help? I've not been able to match the name with either company. Joe is getting on rather (late 60s) and it would please him no end to see a photo or two of his old ship. Thanks in advance, Brian | / 06 / 01 |
My father served on the 'Hertford' and was shipwrecked twice in WW2. The first time she hit a mine off Australia, but she didn't sink so they all re-boarded. The second time she was torpedoed off Canada and sank with some loss of life and many injuries, mainly due to being in the lifeboats for up to five days. I am certain, however, that 'Hertford' was by then with the NZSC, not Federal Lines. Some years ago, while on a visit to NZ, I found a book about the NZSC in WW2 in Auckland main library, but can't recall the title. It went into detail on all ship losses with names of those killed and injured, although the information wasn't entirely accurate about 'Hertford'. I have the Captain's report on the sinking and the Admiralty reports on both incidents from the Public Record Office, in Kew, UK. I'd be very interested in any further information. Peter Cox |
peter_coxatntlworld.com20 / 06 / 01 |
Further to my earlier email about 'Hertford' I've just found out that the Book about NZSC in WW2 was almost certainly 'Ordeal By Sea' by S Waters. There seem to be copies available on Peter Cox | |
I am looking for a photo of the ship "Athenic" came to Auckland 12th June 1917 can anybody help thanks William | |
My Father, George Spicer, served
on the MV Rangitata, I am not sure of the exact dates but I am
guessing it would be during the 50s - early 60s |
richardspicerathotmail.com22 / 06 / 01 |
Please - any photos or info on
Otaio? 75 was my time, but would be interested
in any other. | |
Hi All, I am a New Zealander currently residing in the UK. Trying to find the vessel which took my great grandfather and his family to New Zealand is proving to be quite difficult. I have no idea of which, where nor when. But I do know they immigrated to New Zealand sometime after my grandfather was born in 1912. Ha Ha - yep - a bit vague huh! I have records that the family were from Rochdale (Manchester). Has anyone got any ideas to where I start. Everywhere i look, the vessels have manifests but predominately 1800's none around 1912 onwards. Can anyone help me. The family I am looking for is Ashworth. Kind Regards and Best Wishes Sandi Menderby | / 07 / 01 |
Please - any photos or info on Otaio?
75 was my time, but would be interested in any other. | |
Looking for information about journey and crew of the SS Rahine which caught fire off the coast of West Africa between Tenerife and the Cape of Good Hope in 1893. The ship obviously survived as the passengers presented a printed certificate to members of the crew in appreciation. The certificate lists the passengers. Jenny Hawkins | |
FAO. Alex Henderson Chief Lecky. Your Terrible Twin tried to contact you at but it was rejected. Try E-mailing me would be great to contact you again after all these years. Mark | |
My Grandfather was first officer on the Rimutaka(3) before he came ashore in 1951. Trying to find as much as possible about the vessel, voyages etc. Also I have a Shore Leave Pass issued by the Alexandria City (Port) Police for Apr 2 1944 for my grandfather, the ship named on the pass is S. S. Sames (X). Can anyone help with the identity of this ship. The company listed is the NZ S Co. James Glubb | |
Having left the Vindicatrix 1962, I joined m.v. Norfolk, Liverpool 19th 1962....later onto the m.v. Otaio. on this ship we visited the unusual place called Pitcairn Island. later joined s.s.Derby. then onto the California Star. I have some photo's of these vessels, I'll dig them out of my past and send them to who ever wants them. These were very special days in our young lives, many good times to recall, never lost without a good old sea story to amuse land farers. |
privateijohnhopeatcs.com20 / 07 / 01 |
Could anybody please tell me what happened to Rms Rangitoto I joined her as a steward boy in November 1951 She was a lovely ship Happy Days Davy Jones | |
My father, Victor Brooks, was on the Orari in June 1942, Malta Convoy "Operation Harpoon". I have been trying to find a photo of the ship on the web for him and wondered if someone could point me in the right direction. Regards Shirley Farmer | | has photographs of some NZSCo ships and a page devoted to NZSCo Len Chapman | |
Re E Mail from Tried sending information to this address but mail is returned as undeliverable. Is mail address correct? Photo of mv Orari exists on the archives section of State of Victoria site. Len Chapman | |
I am looking for information on the "Pipiriki" launched 1944 believed to sailed up until 1971. My father sailed on her in her early 1950s as a cabin boy "Gerald Charles Galer "he will be 65 on Sept 3rd 2001, I am trying to put together a montage of his life. he has fond memories of his days with the " Pipiriki " I would love to know what became of her ? I would like to know if there are any records / pictures in existence of the crew that he sailed with, and if so, how to obtain some copies. Thank you for your assistance B Galer (William) |
bgaleratmanfinancial.com09 / 08 / 01 |
The book that you refer too on the main page, may be creator: Green, Allen c Green collection Shipping photographs in picture collection Publisher: State library of Victoria. William Galer | |
Len, thanks for replying. Stupid me gave wrong ending to e-mail add. I would be grateful if you would try my address again...What is State of Victoria site? many thanks Shirley Farmer | |
Dear All, I would like to hear any stories that anyone may have about Hugh Frederick Brown. He served as a Chief Engineer with NZSCo between 1914-1950's. When he retired, having never worked for another company, he was awarded an OBE for service to the Shipping Company. I'm not sure which ships he served on but I believe they included one or more of the Rangi's and the Papanui. Hugh Brown's father also worked for the Shipping Company as a Chief Engineer between the 1880's and the 1920's. In later years both Hugh Brown's daughter and his son-in-law also worked for the company, continuing with them after PandO took over. All in all, the Brown family managed to clock up more than 100 years service with NZSCo. Does anyone have any tales or photos? Many Thanks, Caroline Douglas |
caroline.douglasattalk21.com13 / 08 / 01 |
I have a handwritten programme for an entertainment given on board the S.S. Rimutaka (by kind permission of the Captain F.A. Hemming) on the 6th of May 1915. As the programme is written on a blank Programme of Entertainment of the "Royal Alfred" Aged Merchant Seamen's Institution the head office of which was in Fenchurch Street, London I assume that the entertainment took place on a voyage from England to New Zealand (or Australia). I would be grateful for any information about this vessel. Philip Christian 10 Papa Panteli Michail Street 4566 Kalo Chorio Limassol Cyprus | / 08 / 01 |
I am looking for information on the ship PAPANUI. Off. No. 144525, LONDON. Nett Ton:5128. It sailed from Adelaide in March 1929 and arrived in Birkenhead July 1929. I am looking for a crew list. In particular a Thomas Scott. Thank you for your help. John Scott (Son) | |
Hi I was recently down at National Archives in Wellington, going through their shipping records. As i had the chance to do a trip with my seafaring husband on The Shipping Corporation of NZ container ship NZ Pacific in 1979/80, I thought I would like to look at the Ships articles and log books for that time span, but alas the records are there for about 1981/82 and onwards till it changed hands, I was so disappointed the ones I wanted weren't there. Would any one know where I could find them. Catherine Anderson | / 08 / 01 |
Hello there, I don't
know if you are interested in what i'm going to write but here goes: I am an ex Vindi boy of April 1949
to July 49. Ships NZSCo. and FSNCo. First
Ship: |
edgejaataol.com27 / 08 / 01 |
Was the empire hope which was sunk in the Malta convoy of aug,42,part of the Shaw Saville line ? Danny Omara | |
Everyone, |
caroline.douglasattalk21.com03 / 09 / 01 |
Dear Editor - what a great job you are doing. I came across this site by chance while searching for information on the SS Ruahine. The Museum of Wellington City and Sea shop sells copies of the book "Ships of the NZ Shipping Company:" compiled by Gavin McLean, which contains photographs and brief information about the fleet. They also have a range of other maritime books. The Museum's Research Service has an extensive library and can often provide historical information. (I am a research volunteer at the museum) Good luck, Amanda Morrison. | / 09 / 01 |
Can anyone help me to find the name of a ship which left Tilbury UK in May 1947 for Sydney then on to NZ? It was from the Shaw and Saville Line and docked in Sydney on 1st July 1947. I would appreciate any information on where to start looking for this information. Thanking You Rowena Faerch | |
Rangitane was built in 1949 by John Brown of Clydebank. The correct tonnage was 21,867. Broken up at Kaohsiung, Taiwan in April 1976. | |
Terry, hope you can
help me i am trying to find a picture of the
mv Whakatane(2nd) which was my fathers first
ship as an engineer. he may be able to supply
information on nz shipping in due course. hope
you can help me to find a picture.......have been trying for
ages......without success......... would like
to take a copy and have it painted for him. regards Neil | / 09 / 01 |
Some history of DURHAM for your archives. Keel laid in 1928 at Workman Clarkes in Belfast. First voyage 1934 as purpose built cadet ship. Returning from Malta Convoy in 1941, struck mine off North African coast and was subsequently sunk by Italian human torpedo's in Gibraltar Harbour. Towed back to Falmouth after 9 months on the bottom. Ruturned to service in 1943 and survived fire in No 4 UTD on voyage to Australia. War damage eventually caused major engine problems and in 1957/8 she underwent total angine repairs from crankshafts up in Galveston Texas after sailing on one engine from the Azores to Galveston. Continued in service until 1965 wheh she was finally scrapped.Mike Smith, Perth WA. I was Cadet Capt. on voyage 46 in 1960 and was with her throughout the Galveston episode. Joined April 1957 and left Aug 1960. | / 09 / 01 |
In response for the plea for terry's assistance i have transmitted a picture of MV Whakatane to nmak. whilst doing so also thought it a good idea to scan photo's of some of the other ships i sailed on and put them on disc. if anyone is interested ships are Papanui, Gloucester, Rakai, Ruahine, Hinakura, Hurunui and Whakatane. If contacted i would be happy to e -mail on. Terry Wilson | |
There My name is Bob
Malcolm, I was a Vindi Boy 1962/63 14 weeks owning to 2 weeks in the
sick bay. I joined
NZSC March 1963 | / 09 / 01 |
Dear Mr Shaw, I served on the Orari from late 1945 until mid 1947 as junior engineer officer and refrigeration officer. I am interested in the history of the vessel and would like to know of it's involvements during and after the war. Hoping you can be of some assistance Yours Ken Langham | |
Ron Joyce steward Haparangi 1950.s Capt.Thomas and Capt Chadwick in command very happy memories on the time served on this vessel |
02 / 10 /01 |
My name
is Sheila Catherine McLean but my maiden name was McGregor. My
mother's name was Bessie McGregor and we travelled together, twice,
on the "Rangitata" from England to New Zealand. The first
time we arrived in Wellington in October 1946 and the second time in
either 1947 or 1948. | / 10 / 01 |
I read with
interest the site ships list NZ Shipping CO and would like to add a
little bit of information regarding the following vessels. | / 10 / 01 |
Jeffrey , Just a
short note to let you know that... | / 10 / 01 |
Norman Kirk died in 1974 in office, (April/May) NZL (NEW ZEALAND LINE) a completely NZ owned Company was formed and managed by SCNZ (The Shipping Corporation of New Zealand Ltd.) agents Shaw Saville Line originally Shaw Savill and Albion Co) here in NZ for the first year of the existance of SCNZ. On the 30 th November 1974, the Shaw Saville shore staff in NZ were advised that when they arrived at work on the 1st December 1974 they would be now working for the SCNZ as unfortunately after months of rumours and speculation Shaw Saville Line withdrew their branches from NZ and appointed SCNZ as their agents who also picked up the staff. Work carried on as usual , just a different letterhead. The first General Manager was Charles Speight and Tom Skinner was on the Board of Directors.In the very early formative days there was a lot of discussion about how the name should be the final decision was to name the Company "The Shipping Corporation of New Zealand Limited" so that there would be no confusion with The New Zealand Shipping Co. which bears no relation at all.Best regards Diana Mexsom nee Milne (x shore
staff) | / 10 / 01 |
Greetings, I this morning found this really interesting website. Having sailed with the NZSC in the early fifties I
can easily relate to all the comments. I
sailed on 'Rangitoto' and 'Rangitiki' and briefly coastal on one of
the Federal ships, who's name I can't recall at this writing. |
cranmore71athotmail.co23 / 10 / 01 |
Fabulous site-above all the stories--can anyone help with information re passengers from UK to (Dunedin) possibly, in 1920, would it be likely "he" (Herbert Arthur Gatward) travelled on one of the ships which carried passengers and where do I go to find the passenger lists? best wishes to all contributors. Joan Cook | |
Jeffrey, Many thanks for including me on the history of NZSCO. I've already been in contact with a fellow crewmember in U.K. who sailed on 'Rangitoto' at the same time I did. This is truly an incredible website and greatly appreciated. Patrick. | |
I have just stumbled onto your site as I was looking for information on RMS Rangitoto, I sailed on her as a child migrant in 1950.I have recently taken over the role of Chairperson of the British Child Migrants Society (N.Z) Incorporated and am always looking for new avenues for former child migrants and their families to find out some of their past history. I have found one or two interesting facts as a result of looking in this site and am always interested to hear from anyone else who might have connections with child migrants. |
randmatactrix.gen.nz3 / 11 / 01 |
Hello, just by chance found the site ,only done one trip on the "tane" Aug 67 but somehow managed to acquire the pennant of said ship, which i still have as a memory of such a great time of my youth. anybody who remembers that trip 29 aug 16 dec 67 would love to hear from. | |
I am hoping that one of your readers might remember my grandfather Mark Foster. i believe he worked for the New Zealand shipping company in the forties, perhaps as a captain. i would love to find out more about him or better if he is still with us meet him. please email me with any information | |
Hi to anyone that sailed to New Zealand on M.V. Rangitane from royal Albert dock London on 8 November 1963 via Curracao Panama and Tahiti arriving Auckland on 11 December 1963 trying to contact passengers and crew we are still in contact with some of the passengers and crew Eric Chapman | |
Good to see this history remembered. My father, Charles Reid, was an engineer on the Rangitane when it was sunk in 1940. For those wanting more of the tale than posted previously, it's recounted in a 1952 book "Salute the Red Duster" by A.B Campbell in a chapter titled "A Women's Story" as recounted to the BBC by stewardess Jessie Balding. The book contains the names of several of Capt. H. L. Upton's crew. The German side of the story is in the "The Black Raider," by K. Weyber and H.J. Ehrlich in a 1955 translation. There was also a small pamphlet put out by the NZSC shortly after the event. But none of them have a list of the crew. Does a list exist in company files? Cheers. John D. Reid |
jdreidatmagma.ca26/11/01 |
My grandparents emigrated to NZ in 1925 aboard the Ionic. My aunt travelled with them, she was 4 years old at the time. I am currently writing a family history for our family reunion and would greatly appreciate any information I can get about this ship, it's route, the time it took to get to NZ and which NZ ports it visited. My grandparents settled in Timaru. Are passenger list available? How would people amuse themselves during such a long journey. My aunt says my grandfather played cards the whole way! and he wasn't playing solitaire :-) Any info would be a treat thanks. Jo Cole | |
Hi: I am Tim Thomson. I was with NZSCo from 1959 - 1964, sailing on Otaio, Whangaroa, Turakina and Huntingdon before spending time ashore, then with Hudson Steamship Co and then with Westons until end of 1979. I would be interested in hearing from anyone who remembers me. I am now living in Cornwall. | |
relative of mine, Henry Grayson COOK b June 1894 returned after
service in the AIF on the HORORATA with a wife. Does anybody have
access to the passenger list of 1920? Details I have from his service record in the 3rd
Field Ambulance are as follows:- 27
July 1917 AWOL |
100702.2766atcompuserve.com2 / 12 / 01 |
Further to an earlier posting, please note that my email address is now I also now have more information about Captain George Thomas Deith. He was captain at different times of the "Kent", "Sussex", "Middlesex" and "Westmoreland". I found a museum in Port Chalmers, NZ, that had some of his medals and clippings about him. I would still love more information, particularly for his nephew, my uncle, who is still alive and hero worships 'Uncle George'... and I don't blame him! Val Wright, Vancouver. |
Val Wright" <torisnanatshaw.ca4 / 12 / 01 |
A fascinating site ! My mother-in-law emigrated to Australia in 1926 and she tells a tale about a vessel sinking in the Bay of Biscay. She thinks it was s.s. PAPAROA, and she said it was carrying girders for the Sydney Harbour Bridge, all of which (naturally) were lost. Does anyone have any further info about this incident ? Anything would be appreciated. Ray Power. | / 12 / 01 |
Can you give
me all knowledge of old New Zealand Shipping Company Vessel. |
ling_ungheeatyahoo.com5 /12 /01 |
My late brother, John Tuthill(1940-1999), started with the NZSCo as an indentured engineer cadet in July 1959 and from his discharge book I note that he served on the following ships: Middlesex 59-60; Derby 60-61;Hororata 62-63;Hauraki 63; Kent 63; Derby64-65;Otaki 66;Hauraki 66-67;Huruni 67; Nottingham 67-68. During that time he rose from 8th Eng. Cadet to Chief Eng., with early periods at Neasden College and in John Brown's yards. It was while in Glasgow that he met his future wife. After the takeovers and management changes he was with PandO / Ellermans, eventually working worldwide with Ham-Nash Dredging.He was always very enthusiastic about NZSCo and I'd be pleased to hear from anyone who knew him from those times. David TuthillDear Editor: Re- John Tuthill: correction: I should have written Willesden College and not Neasden. Apologies for confusion, David Tuthill. |
davidtuthillataol.com7 / 12 / 01 |
I was interested to read David Tuthill's E mail and the mention of his late brother being an Indentured Engineer Cadet. I did not know David's brother but went through the same program.Traditionally Marine Engineers had been recruited from the ship building and repair industry but in the early fifties there was an insufficient supply and the Shipping Industry set up the Alternative Training Scheme for Marine Engineers (Alternative meaning an alternative to the traditional recruitment).The Scheme recruited school leavers at 16-17 years of age and put them through a four and a half year's of training. First two years were at College (Poplar Technical College London in my case) studying fulltime for an Ordinary National Certificate in Mechanical Engineering followed by one and a half years at sea as a very lowly Engineering Cadet and finally a year ashore working in a shipyard (Mount Stuart Drydock in Newport Monmouthshire in my case).The attraction was you were paid for being trained (starting at £7 a month). After that it was back to sea as a Junior Engineer. However one of the other benefits of the Scheme was it shortened the qualifying sea time for Board of Trade Engineering Certificates so many of the Cadets obtained Second Engineer and Chief Engineer qualifications at an early age. I can recall being Third Engineer (with a Second Engineer's Certificate) on the Rangitiki at 23 years of age and being expected to take her around the NZ Coast while the Kiwi Second Engineer went on leave, much to the old Chief's concern.Promotion became even more rapid when National Service (conscription) was ended in UK in the late fifties. Merchant Service was exempt National Service so attracted those who wanted to avoid conscription. These (and others) immediately left the sea but qualified Engineers were attracted to stay by higher salaries and rapid promotion. The downside was that engine room crews shrunk so the Chief Engineer had to become a working Chief and get his hands dirty. It was not unusual to meet 28 year old Chief Engineers!The training must have been good because over the years I have met ex Engineer Cadets who have achieved success in a variety of different fields. Regards Len Chapman | / 12 / 01 |
My name is Brian Atkins and I was a deck hand on the m.v.Suffolk 61/63 if anyone is interested about the time we were on fire Motuihe Island or may have a picture of this great lady could they let me know. I LOVE NEW ZEALAND | |
Hi Jeffrey Best wishes for a sunny Christmas and a happy New Year. Kind Regards Len Chapman | |
My name is
Ian Harris and I was an engineer Cadet on Otaio 1969 - 1970 and
after doing a trip on Taupo did the last few trips on the Don before
Her scrap run. Yesterday I bought a video from Snowbow Productions. The video is called "Cargo Liners of the World" and is
Episode 3 in their series. This video has to be a must for any ex
Otaio Cadet as there is a lot of footage of the Otaio, the Don
(Huntingdon) and the tanker Kent. As well
as glimpses of several of the other company ships. I
agree with Len Chapman that the training on Otaio was first rate. |
youpweataol.com14 / 12 / 01 |
My father came to New Zealand on the passenger ship Tainui in 1926 via the panama canal and Pitcairn Island. I would appreciate obtaining a photograph of this ship or any information about her. Graeme Champion | |
Merry Christmas and a Happy year ahead, Don't look astern! May peace
and Gods Blessings be with us old 'uns and those still serving
| |
Dear Jeffrey Shaw,Re Leonard Seymour SHAW, born 23.10.1908I have begun researching my late father-in-law's grandfather's story of how he captained the first refrigerated ship, The Dunedin, to sail from Wellington to London in 1882. To my amazement I noticed your name; is the combination of Shaw, shipping and New Zealand just a coincidence?!Unfortunately, I do not have the captain's forenames. Any help you or your correspondents can provide would be very much appreciated.Leonard followed the family tradition and
during WW2 was commander of a minesweeper which was sunk in the Med
around 1942. Badly injured, he spent 6 hours in the water but was
eventually rescued and taken to a hospital on Corsica - where his
brother (also in the Navy but on another ship) was already
recovering! Brian
Mogford |
Brian.Mogfordataol.com20 / 12 / 01 |
Merry Christmas - I am hoping to find information about the ship 'Southern Isles' owned by the soap people Lever Bros. My late father sailed to the Ice Barrier (1932) on it and walked to Shackleton's Grave. No special clothes only dungarees. Thanks. G Bernhardt | |
I note my email address has been rejected by ISP server as incomplete. The address shown in the email/date column is indeed incorrect. It should read Details of family stories can become inaccurate with the re-telling. If Leonard's grandfather's trip was from Australia and not from New Zealand, it seems it would have been the Strathleven sailing from Sydney and not the Dunedin sailing from Wellington. Can anyone track down SHAW from ships' records? The history of the development of refrigerated ships is a fascinating story of technical and commercial advance which must have increased exports hugely. Seasonal greetings, Brian Mogford |
brianmogfordataol.com24 / 12 / 01 |
I have no detailed information other than an old photograph of my uncle, STANLEY BLYTH, born 1913 Isle of Wight, England on board "RANGITATA" with 2 older and 2 younger "boys". (The lifebouy they are displaying shows the name "Rangitata - Plymouth). Uncle Stan went to New Zealand some time after the death of his mother in 1927 and never returned. His remaining sister is 93 years old and would love any information that anyone has to offer.Editor please supply name and email otherwise its a waste of time anyone responding |
24 / 12 / 01 |
I hope this
information may be of some use to you, I served on nzsco/fsnco from
63-67, reading your list of ships obviously some missing, hoping to
fill in some blanks. s.s Lincoln 12780 tons, m.v Cornwall 7582 tons,
m.v Surrey 8227 tons, | / 12 / 01 |
What a great site, i found it because i am looking for a good picture of RMS Rangitoto, as i sailed from Tilbury docks London on the 26/5/67 in cabin c96 on her arrived in Wellington late June via Panama it was a great trip on a fab ship I have a passenger list, if any one contacts me. Roger Seaton | |
The query regarding the model of "Rakai" made by the chief engineer jock cooper ( actual name John Cowper" was i believe given to a school in Nelson. i tried replying to the e-mail address given but did not deliver. There was also a query regarding "Hurunui". she left New Plymouth in Aug. 1973 and arrived at the breakers in Pusan 8/9/73. The capt was b. Austin-Smith and the harbourmaster in New Plym at the time was fletty from findochty (buckie). the bosun was John Hay from Aith in Shetland. wonderful to have come accross your site. The name i remember is Alex Chisholm from the Otaio 1962. Davy Scott |
eithinataol.com28 / 12 / 01 |
Roger Seaton, |
cranmore71athotmail.com30 / 12 / 01 |
Jeffrey, Thanks for the suggestion, good idea - now, why didn't I think of that!! By the way I saw great pictures of Sydney New Year celebrations on the Tele! Patrick. | |
While browsing on the net I stumbled on to your site. I was an electrician with nzsc and did three voyages on the mv Hinakura 1962-1963 and one on mv Otaki late 1963 I recall on the outward to nz the ship broke down every day between London and Curacao a nightmare for the engineers. all the engineers on this voyage were Jordies except myself and the chief electrician who were Scots. The chief electricians name was Lachie Henderson who was with nzsc and pando for many years and probably was there until retirement age. I must admit I enjoyed this part of my life and often wished I had stayed a little bit longer. Norrie Cumming. |
cummingktataol.com10 / 01 / 01 |
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